Bavarian Empire

The largest empire present in the world it covers all of southern Umon and resently finished won a war with Middengoth and obtained the settlement of southercombe. Ruled by the Emperor, who discusses matters with the Pentrarchs who present the imortant matters of the senate who oversea the day to day running of the empire.


  1. Emperor
  2. Pentrarch
  3. Governor
  4. Senator
  5. Mayor
  6. Duke/Dutchess
  7. Count/Countess

Senate Structure

  The Pentrarchie: The Pentrarchie are each the head of faith for the four main gods of the empire;
    Gods of The Pentrarchs:Tyr Chauntea Gond Ilmater Tempus
    The Acting Pentrarchie:
  1. Judge Rodolf (Tyr)
  2. Warlyon Brocton (Tempus)
  3. Saint Lorraine (Ilmater)
  4. Grandmother Ava (Chauntea)
  5. High Artificer Truecraft (Gond)
The role of Pentrarch is to advise the Emperor directly and during senate sessions speak for the Divine.


Patriotism is the primary purpose of schools not run by the differing faiths of the empire. All the peoples of the empire are expected to have learned the imperial canon as spoken by the founder Phillip Reichmann.

"I am responsible for myself and my actions; I shall conduct myself honorably, and live a clean and frugal life. I have responsibilities to my fellow citizens. I shall be loyal to them, and humble, because we are elements of a greater whole, and without them I am nothing, I have responsibilities to our society; I shall understand and respect my place in it, defend it, and work to make it prosperous, so that I may receive society's protection, and that we may hand on safety and prosperity to future generations" - The Imperial Canon as spoken in the annals by Emperor Phillip Reichmann.

Public Agenda

To bring order to the world by maintaining their position at the top via military and economic dominance.

Strength in Unity, Prosperity in Order: Bavaria, Forges the Future!

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Transnational government
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


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