Erebus Jorasco (Er-a-bus Jaw-rass-co)

Illuminator Erebus Jorasco


Early Life

Erebus spent his first decade and a half living with the elves of Oailthas. As the bastard child of dubious circumstance, Erebus found many of the Elven children endeavored to make his life as difficult as they could, treating him as an outcast and unwelcome amongst their people. Over time, with the help of his guardian, he learned to talk his way round their torments and rejections, eventually finding himself welcomed amongst his peers. But Erebus is not the forgiving type. Following a mysterious incident involving a fire and the deaths of two elven children of Erebus’s age, his guardian quietly moved him out of the city and sent him to live with his father in Bavaria.


Upon turning 16, Erebus presented himself to the house of Jorasco where, only due to the suprise welcoming of The LIght herself, he was tentatively accepted into the service of the family business. Stephan Jorasco, displeased to learn of his long-lost nephew's existence, commanded that he work his way into the family from the bottom, as a clerk, a small cog in the great machine that was the Jorasco Corperate empire. He spent his time working hard for his father trying to prove that he was deserving of the Jorasco name, and the power that came with it. Over time, Erebus proved himself very capable handling the intricacies of negotiation and investigation typical of a career of the more distinguished positions in the JRMC. Despite the cool welcome he received initially, Erebus was slowly finding his place in this world, and was earning, if not their love, then at least his family’s respect. He was ready for greater things. Something more facilitating of his more disquieting talents.

Recent Events

Erebus Jorasco, Illuminator, and Executive Acquisitions Agent of the JRMC, spends his days on thefrontier claiming great swathes of land in the name of the JRMC and the Church. Working under the incredibly open directive of “acquire land, by any means necessary” and free from any real oversite, Erebus truly embraces his nature, reveling in the soup of negotiation, manipulation, intimidation and outright extortion to take what he wants, from whoever he can. With the backing of the Church he spreads the message of the Light to the wealthy and the elite of the western society, regarding them as far more useful. Even so, he starts to feel tired of his stagnating position, the wild frontier calls to him. Maybe he could be more than what his family and faith see him for?

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

While pysically fit and agile, Erebus is not a strong man, as years working behind a desk rarely require it. However in his recent years he has kept himself in shape and is a nimble charecter when he needs to be.
Lawful Evil
Current Status
Acquiring land in West Bavaria for the JMRC
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Circumstances of Birth
Born out of wedlock
Cropped, Black, Messy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Mildly Tanned
The Light
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Apr 5, 2022 22:38

Wow, best character in the campaign