Loviatar (loh-VEE-a-tar or loh-vee-A-tar)

Loviatar, also known as The Maiden of Pain and The Willing Whip, was the evil goddess of agony and was both queen and servant to the greater god Bane.  


Loviatar was cold-hearted and calculatingly cruel by nature, an aggressive and domineering despot that truly enjoyed acts of sadism. Indeed, she had an instinct for inflicting pain, and not just physical suffering, always knowing just what to say and how to say it to best wound and discourage both mortals and other deities. Unlike most bullies however, Loviatar herself did not fear pain or even experience hurt. She was nearly impervious to any emotion, whether fear, love, or even hate. Attempts to harm her, whether through physical damage or verbal humiliation, prompted only laughter at the attempt, and more than one mortal had been startled to see her advance towards them with the full intention of receiving any damage that would come from doing so. Perhaps Loviatar's only psychological weakness was her own calculating nature. Her understanding of humanity, for example, relied on the fundamental assumption that they were innately selfish. Truly heroic or self-sacrificing behavior could untangle her carefully woven plots.  


Bringing pain and suffering was the aim of all Loviatans, either through physical torture or sometimes more subtly and psychologically. Beauty, intelligence, and acting were useful attributes of a Loviatan, but the ability to fully understand someone was the best skill a Loviatan could acquire, as knowing someone fully could help a Loviatan inflict maximum pain, one way or another. Loviatar's followers were encouraged to wipe Ilmater's followers from the face of the Realms.   Loviatans often engaged in self-flagellation, often in the morning when praying for spells. They celebrated each season with the Rite of Pain and Purity, a ritual that involved followers dancing on glass, thorns, or barbed-wire while being whipped by higher-level Loviatans. A smaller ritual occurring every twelve days involved followers passing their bodies through the flames of candles.   During warfare, priestesses of Loviatar scourged their naked shoulders or tore their cheeks with their nails to evoke magic.   Titles used by Novices are Kneeling Ones   Confirmed Priests use the titles (in ascending order)
  • Taystren
  • Adept (in Pain)
  • Sister/Brother (in Torment)
  • Supremar
  • Caressor (of Terrors)
  • Whiplass/Whiplar
  • Paingiver
  • Whipmistress/Whip Master
  • High Whipmistress/Whipmaster
  • Branded(of the God)
  • Truescar
The last two titles are awarded to those who have been head of a temple or who have personally distinguished themselves. In the old text priests were referred to as Lovites before the use of Loviatan replaced it.   Specialty priests, called pains, operate as a separate arm of the faith. They travel from place to place carrying out the goddess's will as envoys, agents, or inquisitors rather than being permanently stationed at a temple. Ordinary clerics of Loviatar hold the pains in high regard. A temple mainly consists of clerics, but one to three pains can be called upon if needed. Mystics often are assigned to groups of pains and monk, while living only with monks and monasteries. They usually swear fealty to the temple that their abbey is a part of in the hierarchy.   The faith of Loviatar was the state religion in the country of Dambrath. Under Queen Cathtyr the priesthood of Loviatar grew to the thousands. The Crinti priestesses there had their own secret religious language, known as the "Maiden's Tongue". The Crinti considered copying the idea of the trade enclave from the Red Wizards of Thay combining a trade centre and a place for the faithful to Loviatar to worship.


The Loviatan religion has no knightly orders.
  • Disciples of the White Rod: These monks of the faith of Loviatar were named in honour of the token granted to their founder by Loviatar and held in the home abbey as a relic. Mystics follow a philosophy called Way of Transcendence.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Loviatar appeared as a slim, beautiful human maiden, with straight, thigh-length, platinum-blonde hair. She dressed in either black leather embellished with outlandish spikes or revealing white silks decorated with silver chains. She was cold and sinister in demeanor, speaking softly and moving with sensual grace. Her black blood was thick, like syrup.


Contacts & Relations

Prior to the Time of Troubles, Loviatar was a servant of Bhaal and had a heated rivalry with her fellow servant Talona. During that time she often teased and tormented the goddess, feeling that she should and would eventually serve her. During that time she was also affiliated with Malar. For a time she fell under the sway of Shar, though the return of Bane changed this, as she once again served as his consort. Loviatar's portfolio conflicted most with that of Ilmater, because Loviatar despised those who helped others. She also hated Eldath and Lliira for offering rewards without any suffering to achieve them.
Divine Classification
Intermediate deity
Achorian pantheon
Lawful evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Maiden of Pain
The Willing Whip
The Scourge Mistress
Divine Domain
Death, Order, Trickery


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