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The Shadowed War

Within the contexts of Religion and Godly tales lies the...

Shadowed War

  Since the beginning of time there has never been peace between the Light and Dark. The constant conflict between which shade should rule and power a world or realm or even a plane of existence, this is what fuels the two sides..   The myth of the 'Shadowed War' stands out in its own right.. Being said to be the most recent and latest war amongst the gods of light and dark, counting back only a century ago... It was said the war steamed for each side believing that their enemies were at there weakest, and they were right...  
It made for an interesting clash of power as each side was fighting at their lowest point, thinking that they could fall to the other at any given time.. This war was said to have raged all through the realms, even the gods of the planes were said to be involved, the good and the evil..   Some common texts has it, during the lowest points of the conflicts, many vile and power-hungry demons and dark lords took venture through the material plane in search of lost ancient powers and magical items, that could turn the tide of the war in their favour, some even coming across The Ancient Orbs, attempting to use their cores as a means of limitless power..  
  Like each war they had their leaders at the helm.. For the side of Dark the Necrotic King known as 'Graz'zt' or 'The Dark King'. He was a demon king and one of the most powerful fiends in the Abyssal Plane. Graz'zt appeared as a muscular large humanoid.. His skin shone like polished obsidian and his eyes glittered with malevolent green light. He had yellowed fangs, pointed ears, and six slender fingers decorating each hand. He was sometimes described as having six small black horns half-hidden amid his thick black hair. Wielding an acid-drenched great sword in one hand and a profane tower shield in the other, the Dark King was a veritable killing machine when loosed upon the hordes of the Abyss. What's more, he had a vast repertoire of magical abilities at his disposal, making him a deadly magical opponent. Graz'zt's greatest weapons, however, were his mastery of seduction and guile. He entertained the notion that he was the most cunning and intelligent creature in the Abyss; indeed, there were few who could possibly contest such a claim. he was not worshipped among the people of this age, as his meaning to bring about their destruction, unlike his advisory...  
The Great deity and ruler of 'Chronias' (The final layer and peak of Mount Celestia'), was named 'Zaphkiel'. He leaded the light side of the Shadowed War and was worshipped immensely! Zaphkiel was a humanoid creature of breath-taking beauty, bathed at all times in holy power and radiant light. He exuded so much goodness that only the most holy of entities could stand before him without being consumed. The deity had abilities of vast power, in that he could detect chaos and see any creature as they truly were. By thought alone, he could bestow an affliction to an unrepentant foe, break enchantments, consecrate an area with positive energy, illuminate an area with a light as bright as day, surround his head with a flaming crown of brilliance so bright as to blind foes, discern the location of any object, dispel all but the most powerful magical effects, damage and daze chaotic creatures with a grid of axiomatic energy, instil hope in subjects within range, send a short message to an individual anywhere in the multiverse, defend himself with a mystical shield, fill an evil creature with intense feelings of remorse, and grant a subject a vision of the Seven Heavens. With a single, spoken holy word, he could slay or banish wicked beings, and he could whisper messages to recipients at a distance. He was among the strongest...  
  Their war was said to have roared though the planes of existence and the universe itself... Shattering realms and birthing worlds with the cosmic power of both sides! Within this mighty war lies the The Story of The Dark and Light Hybrid, with ambitions that could potentially exceed something of a great tragedy, or a great birth of hope, which ever way you see it...   The Shadowed War itself ended in what was said to be a 'bloodied, fiery stalemate', crippling both sides.. Sending one into hibernation and other back to rule their lonely mountain plane... The common folk of today that tell these stories, pronounce it as a warning.. a taste of what is to come and eventually leak into plane and spread the darkness across the endless lands. The Religious folk that speak of these stories, describe it as a time were good fought off and conquered evil, and through the peoples holy endeavours and worship the side of light were able to hold off the relentless onslaught of the dark. Perhaps this is just speak of corrupt holy folk also wishing to gain favour and power, perhaps the common folk that speak of danger and warning, are just wanting to stir up controversy and panic for their own pleasure. Or we can adopt the fact that this war never happened and its just a story or a myth, maybe we are just in need of a warrior of truth to come and aid our curiosities, perhaps a warrior of Light and Dark...


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