
A Locura—I saw a man stare into those eyes once... In the seconds that followed he began tearing our companions to shreds with his bare hands—barely recognizable from the mild-mannered man I had been travelling with. With tears in my eyes I put him down, hoping never to witness such a sight again...
— Adran Sagespirit

Basic Information


The Locura often appears in the form of a corpse, wreathed in robes of shadow. The little flesh that remains on its body hangs loosely on its blackened skeleton. Its hands are grotesque and clawed—with unusually long fingers. Its ribcage is almost completely exposed, and a ball of purple flames floats, suspended in the middle of its chest—almost as if it is the heart of this undead atrocity. If one were to look closer, they would notice that only half of the creature’s ribs are actually in its chest, the other half are actually coming out and up from its back—wreathed in purple flames—almost as if they are reaching up to grab some sort of energy from the environment. The sockets in blackened skull that rests on its body is filled from the inside with the same purple flame, making it appear perpetually angry—some who have encountered the creature have reported feeling the anger from the creature transfer unto themselves when they stared into its eyes. The fire from the mangled ribcage on its back—along with the large flame coming off the skull itself—make it appear as if this freakish necromantic experiment has a bonfire growing off its back, feeding off of the negativity it instill in others.

Genetics and Reproduction

It is unknown from where the first came, but one can easily tell where one has been. A massacre performed by otherwise passive people, killing close family and friends in a fit of rage—and innocent bystanders—and being found unable to remember anything but the eyes of the Locura and the feeling of hurt and anger brought on by the atrocity. The ritual required in order to create a Locura is information heavily guarded, and considered taboo in every civilized society of Tourceia, although determined necromancers looking for a powerful weapon often find their way to the ritual. Some say the sacrifice of a loved one is required to create such a creature, others say that the anger and desperation of these necromancers can be enough to blink them into existence. Whatever the creation process of the Locura, it’s safe to say that it is not an innocent one.

Ecology and Habitats

The Locura doesn’t have an actual habitat as it is not a creature of the natural world, rather a sick experiment of the Tourceian necromancers. Their undead nature allows them to survive in most climates and environments, making them a hardy foe.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Locura have no society of their own, most are bound to the service of their necromantic creator. They are locked in an everlasting struggle with their creators, trying to break free, to move on, all the while being aimed like a horrible weapon, forced to share their sorrow and anger with the world around them. Those who break free are unmerciful when dealing with their creators, slaughtering them with their flaming claws, continuing to be animated by the sheer force of their unwillingness to move on to the next life. Their anger keeps the flame in their chest burning, like an everlasting inferno of fury. A freed Locura is an immensely dangerous creature, as they no longer have a controlling hand curbing their aggression, their power. They feed on the positive emotions of those around them, trying to curb the overwhelming resentment for the life they had now been forced into. They resolve to spend every moment feeding, growing their power, bringing misery onto others, until finally a worthy soul puts them to rest—violently in most cases.


Locura are often created by necromancers, and as such, are generally bound to their service after their creation.   A Locura in the service of a necromancer behaves as if nothing more than a thrall, doing what is demanded of them by their creator. While a boiling fury fills every moment of their existence, the controlling magic cast on them by the necromancer forces them into submission, keeping them from acting out of turn. These Locura are often thought to be the less dangerous, as there is at least some steadying influence on them. They feed off of the positive emotions of others, as if it is a drug that keeps their painful existence bearable. Although, because of the controlling nature of the necromancers these Locura are often starved, building their growing resentment until eventually it spills over and they are able to break free of their necromantic overlords.   A Locura who has just broken free from necromantic control is the most dangerous type of Locura as they have just come from being starved of emotion, of building intense hatred for everything around them, and now are flooded with freedom—and a need to feed. They roam the lands, taking as much as they can. Taking the judgement and optimism of those they meet, leaving a trail of massacres in their wake. All the while growing stronger and stronger the more they feed, until the purple bonfire-like flame on their back grows to engulf almost their entire body. Once a Locura has a taste of this kind of power, they will stop at nothing to feed more—feed their insatiable hunger and desire for power. It takes a strong willed person to resist the Locura, and an even stronger one to kill it.
Scientific Name
Necromantic Magic
Until Killed
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Blackened bone, with loose flesh hanging off
Geographic Distribution