
Tourceia... a land I have been lucky to explore and call my home. I have dedicated my life to studying its people, its animals, its plants and—most of all—its secrets. It would be foolish to claim I have discovered even a fraction of its wonders, but I intend to leave behind my legacy, in hopes that others may take up my quest. A more beautiful land could not have been created...   ~Adran Sagespirit


Tourceia is located squarely on the material plane, and is currently thought to be the only existing continent. As a supercontinent, Tourceia's geography varies wildly, from the frigid, towering peaks of Winter's Reach to the low desert dunes of Gatrinh. Any landform you can think of probably exists in Tourceia—whether it's been discovered or not. Freshwater sources, such as lakes and rivers are commonplace in Tourceia, which—along with the oceans—facilitate fishing industries across the continent, and provide water necessary to sustain life. The beauty of Tourceia lies in its diverse geography. An interesting piece of geography can be found almost anywhere on the continent, which is loath to give up its vast secrets.
A map of the entire continent of Tourceia.



From taigas to rainforests, the various regions of Tourceja have extremely diverse ecosystems. Magical and nonmagical beasts alike inhabit the continent, bringing dangers to all who cross their paths. While towns and cities dot the landscape, the natural world of Tourceia still rules supreme. Plants and beasts reclaim fallen cities, and some countries' architecture is even facilitated by the natural world.


While the natural ecosystems of Tourceia may be uncontested, the urban ecosystems are just as complex. With various humanoid races competing for dominance, there is almost always some sort of border dispute or war happening across the far reaches of the continent. With huge advancements in military and magic, wars are often devastating on all forms and aspects of Tourceian life. However those aren't the only things that make Tourceia complex. From the pacifist Alhomerians to the warmongering Tutherians, the cultures of Tourceia are also extremely diverse, with each country interpreting life in different fashions. The countries of Tourceia are full of unique and interesting cultures, and while one may see them start to blur on borders, no two countries are the same.

Ecosystem Cycles

The changing of seasons affect various regions of Tourceia in very different ways, and it is impossible to detail all of them here, so I will give some of the most influential effects.


The spring season is perhaps the most beautiful season to experience in Tourceia. Temperatures begin to become warm enough for crops and other flora are reborn after the winter's demise, and the other wildlife has begun to come out of hibernation. Farmers begin to plant their crops during this season, and many festivals are held to win Gamta's—the god of nature—favor for the growing season. Spring is also usually considered a time of fertility and growth for many cultures, causing the season to have the highest birth rate.


Summer in Tourceia is another extremely important season in Tourceia, although opinions on the season vary wildly depending on location. The frigid northern and southern areas of the continent yearn for the comfortable heat brought by the season, while those nearer to the equator—especially in Gatrinh—loathe the sweltering heat brought on by the season. A farmer's year can be made or broken by the summer months; if there is too little rain or too much heat, their crops will die. However, if there is too much rain or too little heat, their crops may also die. The summer seasons are another time when prayers to Gamta are an essential part of a farmer's daily routine, because the climate must be just right. However, summer is also generally a time of fun for many in Tourceia, with people taking the time to socialize more in the heat than when they are bundled up in the frigid winter months.


The changing colors associated with fall flora perfectly convey the changes Tourceia experiences during this season. Fall marks the beginning of the harvest season for the farmers of Tourceia, and families and neighbors all pitch in to make sure the harvest goes smoothly for the whole settlement. Harvest festivals are a large part of this season, where whole settlements join together to celebrate the year's prosperities, and farmers look forward to a much deserved break. The other flora and fauna not being harvested begin to prepare for the winter's hibernation or migration during these fall months. All of these aspects make fall perhaps the most active season for Tourceia.


Winter is the most brutal month for the inhabitants of Tourceia. With frigid temperatures, dead plants, and hibernating animals, surviving a winter is no guarantee. While large settlements are usually able to survive the winter months effectively, small villages and towns often have to fight tooth and nail to survive. Farmers usually don't have much to do other than general farm maintenance, and will sometimes take up other jobs to make ends meet after a particularly difficult harvest. Families bundle up inside their homes, and try to avoid the frigidity awaiting them outside their shelters. Year's End is also a widely celebrated holiday during this season, which commemorates the achievements of the past year, and looks forward to the next one.

Fauna & Flora


The flora of Tourceia ranges from the mundane to the fantastical. From the small acacias that occasionally dot the deserts of Gatrinh, to the towering oaks erected by the Woodweavers of Berfordia. The mundane crops grow in Torleigh grown to provide sustenance, compared to the highly addictive Blaze—made from the feverbush grown in Alhomeria. Once again, the diversity of Tourceia comes shining through.


Creatures mythical and mundane reside on the continent of Tourceia. From the brutish and cunning dragons that wield elemental energy and convert whole ecosystems, to the small squirrels and chipmunks of the forest—merely focused on finding the next scrap of food. Adventurers and hunters alike seek the glory associated with slaying some of these Tourceian beasts, hoping to make a fortune off of harvesting their magical products. Much of the magic humanoids have found and wield comes from the fauna of Tourceia, making the different creatures a hugely important part of daily life.

Natural Resources

Tourceia is abundant in natural resources. Lumber can be gathered from the enormous forests that cover the landscape, animals can be found roaming the rolling hills, and precious minerals can be excavated from the bowels of the continent. Some of these resources are even inherently magical, channeling energy from the fabric of magic itself. These resources are huge points of contention for the various nations of Tourceia, with each of them competing for the most power and wealth.


Tourceia is thought to have been created by the True Gods of the Tourceian Pantheon, along with the help of a few of the Primordials. It is said that Saule—the god of light—created the sun and filled the dark void of the material plane of light, but it still was only a void. So, Kalve—god of the forge—created Tourceia, a sphere of stone and metal. Tvarka—primordial of order—gave this world natural laws, like gravity. However, a large rock in the void was not acceptable for Gamta. Gamta, being the goddess of nature, quickly created the forests, grasslands, savannas, jungles, and animals; the natural world. However, it quickly became apparent that the flora and fauna of this world could not survive—something that Prieblanda, goddess of twilight, quickly remedied. The heat of the sun was causing nature to burn and die. So, Prieblanda created the night. The days sunk into night and then the night sunk into day, and endless—but necessary—cycle. Now however, the natural world was still shriveling and dying. So, Audra—goddess of tempest—created the seas, the skies, and the storms. This water sustained the plants and suddenly they flourished. The natural laws of this world created by Tvarka interested the rest of the gods, but they thought to circumvent them. So Arkanos—the god of all things arcane—created magic, giving the gods a way to get around the natural laws of the world—a way to make the impossible possible. Eventually, humanoids found order civilizations rose. The humanoids became the caretakers of Tourceia—the land they called home.

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