Session XXXIV: Khindell's Party

Written by Kasen Shackleford

Rewards Granted


This elven sword possessed by the Goltorah family was received by Heigolor Goltorah after his father, Norgolor's death. This sword seems to have some sort of sentience but can only communicate with its owner through emotions. Along the edge of its blade there are runes of strength and magic. After receiving this blade Heigolor was able to activate two runes, one of magical strength and the other of magical light. The rune of light can be used to blind opponent's with a bright flash out of the sword's point. There are still many mysteries to be learned from this blade.  

Decanter of Endless Water

The Decanter of Endless Water was first found in the battle with the Plague at Newbigton. After it was stolen and infected with the Breath of Madness, its whereabouts were lost, but it was soon found in the possession of King Tandoril at Khindell's centennial. After the party saw this they were quick to take it into possession when the opportunity appear before them. After receiving the infected Decanter Micnik took it to the Haven to be cured and studied in a safe enviroment.

Missions/Quests Completed

The party was able to complete their mission of retrieving the Decanter of Endless Water from the Plague, setting back the Cult's plans by a significant amount.

Character(s) interacted with


After the Party arrived in the Capital they went to a tavern in which there was a cloaked figure. Heigolor went up to meet the individual and quickly discovered she was a wood elf. After talking for a short amount of time the party realized that she was an assassin known by the name of Guenhyvar, which in elvish translates to "The Shadow". They attempted to enlist her help but were soon shut down after she was suspicious when Heigolor took out his Royal Guard identification. She was about to leave when Heigolor cast Phantasmal Force on her and made her believe there were wanted posters of the party in the tavern. She agreed to meet with the party after she attempted to kill the king herself.


The Party then went shopping. Heigolor bought a Bag of Holding and a few Health potions. While shopping a crow landed on Heigolor's shoulder and gave him an invitation to his brother, Khindell's centennial. After seeing this Heigolor was ecstatic and hastily prepared to show up the party. Each member of the party bought something for Khindell's birthday. Heigolor bought a ring and a cake, while Ukar bought him knitting supplies, Micnik bought him some of the finest garments, and Oswald had a sword crafted personally for him. After all the gifts were purchased they made their way to the Party.


After arriving at the Goltorah estate the party tried to enter the festivities, but they were locked out—as their names were not on the list. Just as all hope had been lost, King Tandoril showed up with the Elandril clone in tow, telling the guards that the party was with him. With the newfound access the party entered the estate and Heigolor went to speak to his family. He congratulated his brother for his achievements and gave him all of the gifts his friends had brought. Khindell was glad to see him but knew that with arrival of his lost brother there was sure to be trouble. Heigolor then went to speak to Adjor, his mother and learned that his lost lover Myrin had had his twin children and run away to Alhomeria. After this Heigolor asked about his father's whereabouts and had learned that he was late. Norgolor soon arrived and began to berate his son for his shortcomings. Heigolor talked back but stayed subdued as to not ruin his brothers party. Soon the dinner was served and he caught up more with his family. Soon after, King Tandoril gave an announcement about the Decanter of Endless Water. The party began to devise a plan to steal it when suddenly darkness fell across the room, as to not arouse suspicion Heigolor and Ukar jumped In front of King Tandoril and the Fake Elandril and protected them. When the light returned the Decanter had skittered across the room Heigolor got to it before the King and misty stepped to Micnik, who subsequently dimension doored out of the building. The King—filled with anger at the party—went to Khindell and charmed him into challenging his brother to a duel for the rightful heir of Goltorah, which would restore Heigolor's honor. Heigolor accepted and began combat with his brother. Heigolor, having actual combat experience and more training under his belt, beat his brother easily, while the rest of the party helped keep the rest of the guests from getting hurt. In the combat Khindell got one hit on Heigolor and cut his mask open and sliced his eye underneath. Khindell was then incapacitated by Heigolor.


After his son Khindell was incapacitated Norgolor saw how much his other son had grown and though he didn"t show it, he was proud. King Tandoril berated Heigolor for not following the rules of a duel and sparing his brother. Heigolor then countered the King for getting the people involved in the war with Berfordia and asked how many brothers and fathers he had killed with that choice. The nobles around them were moved with emotion, and the King, fueled with his anger at the fact that Heigolor had out done him, ordered the royal guard to arrest the party. The nobles, fearing for their lives, fled through the blown open door. Norgolor already destroyed with the first departure of his son, couldn't imagine another and jumped in-between the King and his dishonored son. The King looked down at him pitifully and slew him easily—ripping his heart from his chest—as Heigolor and Adjor cried out. Though Norgolor knew he would make the same sacrifice once again, even if he knew the outcome, he died as he looked fondly at the family he had created—knowing he protected them.

King Tandoril

Earlier during the party, Oswald had used his ranger abilties to determine that a dragon was within the area—and it was not MIridi. After the cruel King killed Norgolor, the party realized that this King Tandoril was not the real Tandoril. They realized that the draconic eyes that had flashed during their previous encounter with the King were not just from the infection. They were the true eyes of a dragon. The dragon had been impersonating the once great King for 46 years. The King saw this and dropped the charades he had been playing and explained to Heigolor that it had all started when his grandfather, the first of the royal guard, had been sent to kill him by the true King Tandoril. Khothax had slew him easily as he was one man against a monstrous beast. Seeing an opportunity he faked his own death, and took Heigolor's grandfather's persona and worked for the King for many years until he got the chance to kill him—taking his place as the High King of Wistonland. Heigolor stood their star struck and Khothax left him to live with the suffering he had caused. Heigolor picked up his father's sword and swore revenge.
Tourceia Campaign
Elandril Laraethan
Heigolor Goltorah
Report Date
15 Jul 2022
Primary Location
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