The Roaring Island

The Roaring Island—a beautifully dangerous example of the inventions of humanoids coming back to haunt them. The great steel beasts of the island seem to get more dangerous the closer one ventures to the center of the island...   ~Adran Sagespirit


The Roaring Island is relatively flat, and consists almost entirely of deep forest vegetation, save for the rocky beaches that make up its shore. The island is surrounded on all sides by the deep blue water of the Unfathomed Sea. As one ventures deeper inland on the island, they would be able to find unnatural liquid sources on the island. While—like normal islands—there are freshwater sources in the island's interior, there are also large oil rivers and ponds that make up part of the island's unusual natural features.


Perhaps making it the most dangerous island within the Greenfellian Archipelago, the Roaring Island is home to great steampunk beasts—similar in nature to the great war-machines that caused the Collapse. However, these beasts appear to have evolved and adapted to their environment, behaving as if natural animals. The fiercest among them appear as dinosaur-like creatures, while the lowliest of them appear as things such as harmless spiders and squirrels.   A tribal society of warforged also inhabits the island, hunting the steampunk beasts for their oil and parts. They use the scrap metal corpses of their kills build huts and shelters, to protect themselves from the elements of the island. They even collect trophies and wear clothes made from the parts of these beasts.

Ecosystem Cycles

The majority of the seasons on the Roaring Island do little to affect the organisms that inhabit it, beyond the normal effects on plants. The only season that does have a minor effect on the island is winter. The steampunk machines of the island tend to break down more often, as the steel turns brittle, and the biting cold puts more strain on the machines, causing them to burn through fuel faster. This allows the Steel Hunters to have easier hunts, and has caused winter to become the most important and celebrated season in their culture.

Fauna & Flora

While the flora of the Roaring Island is relatively mundane, the fauna on the island are extremely unique. While no organic fauna are alive on the island, remarkable steampunk beasts roam the island. These beasts are made primarily from steel, and appear to be conscious, similar to the warforged—albeit with lesser intelligence. They appear to have been built in the likeness of dinosaurs—a fusion of the past and future. They appear to run on two fuel sources to stay self-sustaining, these being oil, and biofuel. They find the oil in lakes and streams around the island, and they acquire the biofuel through plants and the flesh of humanoids unfortunate enough to set foot on the Roaring Island. These great steel beasts also seem to adhere to certain sectors of the island, almost in a ring-like fashion. As one ventures deeper to the center of the island, the beasts seem to get larger—more dangerous. These machines are unable to reproduce on their own, but rather are created by Crafter, whom built them to protect his workshop. The Steel Hunters also hunt these dangerous machines for the valuable resources from their bodies.

Natural Resources

The Roaring Island is abundant with natural resources. One could find all of the expected mundane resources, such as water, wood, or stone, but the island also boasts copious amounts of precious materials. The steel constructs that roam the island give an immense source of refined steel, and oil sources are plentiful on the island.


After The Collapse, the Roaring Island broke away from the rest of the Greenfellian Archipelago. For a time, it was wildly unchanged from old Greenfell, as the area of the island was previously very sparsely settled. There continued to be little semblance of a general island civilization for a long time, as there was no need for the warforged to come together, as they do not require food or water to live. In addition, The flora has continued to stay relatively unchanged, but the fauna has changed wildly over the years. After becoming the base of operations for Crafter, the island began to drastically change. In order to protect his hidden workshop on the island, which housed both the Colossus and the Bronze Gem, Crafter developed an intricately dangerous defense mechanism for the island. He began using scrap parts to create robotic dinosaur-like constructs to roam and protect the island from intruders. The constructs began to attack the stray warforged around the island, who began to come together for protection, founding the Steel Hunters. The Hunters developed into a tribal society devoted to hunting and killing the constructs of the island, for safety, and to gather materials to rebuild and advance their civilization.
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