The Collapse

Era beginning/end


The Collapse—the day that changed Greenfell forever. The technological advancements of the Greenfellians became their downfall. All biological life on the island was decimated, and the single island split into eight separate islands, each developing new, distinct cultures. It was also the day that Anksto, the Great Golden Dragon, was bound and trapped in the depths of Mt. Breathfire.

The Collapse began with the greed of the Last King of Greenfell, Vearil Karalius. Vearil was obsessed with advancement. He wanted nothing more than progress. Largely undisturbed at this time, Greenfell had been staring across the sea at the continent for centuries. Vearil felt that it was Greenfell's destiny to expand. To conquer. So, he order the building of great warmachines, called the Conquerers. There were three Conquerers, the Clockwork Dragon—master of the sky, the Clockwork Kraken—master of the sea, and finally, the Colossus—a giant warforged machine that was intended for land combat. These machines took years to build, but built they were—for what would become a terrible price.   Vearil's manifest destiny was a popular idea in his court, but not all were on board. His own brother spoke out against him, calling him "mad" and "power-hungry," so Vearil exiled him. His next opponent was not quite so easily dealt with, however. Anksto, the Great Golden Dragon was also vehemently against this expansionist idea. So, in secret, Vearil ordered the creation of a device to bind the dragon. Once it was complete, he lured Anksto into his lair, away from prying eyes, and bound him. He then set warforged—without sentience—to guard Anksto. And so Vearil was unopposed.

Related Location
The Greenfellian Archipelago
Related timelines & articles
Life of Anksto (article)