
The Great Dragon Anksto

Anksto—the Great Golden Dragon of Greenfell. Never before have I seen scales or a mind quite so magnificant. The inventions birthed from the depths of his brain rival those of any on the continent... Although I am loathe to admit it, his thirst and capacity for knowledge rivals my own. Both a powerful and benevolent being, Anksto would be a valuable friend and ally to anyone.
— Adran Sagesprit

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Currently, Anksto is in poor physical condition. After having been painfully restrained for centuries, he now bears burns, scars, and chipped scales along his body—and tears in his wings. He moves around clumsily, and even small movements appear to cause him pain.

Body Features

Anksto appears to be about 110 feet in length, from his regal head to his powerful tail. He weighs about 1,130,000 lbs, which is impressive considering his poor health. He has broad sail-like wings that start from his shoulders and extend all the way to the end of his extremely long tail, giving him a wingspan of about 130 feet, at their widest point. He boasts large teardrop shaped golden scales, which shine with a beautiful luster, even after the damages of his captivity. Scars and burns run along parts of his body—primarily his underbelly—which give him the look of a battle-hardened soldier.

Facial Features

Anksto has a short face with long and smooth metallic horns that sweep back from his nose and brow, as well as frills that adorned both sides of his neck. From his mouth and nostrils settle four pairs of long, flexible, golden whiskers—of an unknown material. Left over from his bindings, he also has part of a mask of steel melted into the left side of his face, covering it completely—save for his narrow eyes. Along with the burns on his face, these features make him look wise and knowledgable, but also like someone unafraid to do what is necessary.

Special abilities

In addition to his raw physical power, Anksto also boasts significant magical power. He is able to use most types of spells and magic, as well as powerful draconic magic—unknown to humanoids. One of his most powerful features though, is his ability to change his shape into that of any other creature—which allows him to get out of many difficult situations.

Mental characteristics


Anksto highly values knowledge, and as such, he is very educated. He began his education after his centennial, when he traveled to the continent. It was there where he met Tazheran, with whom he trained for many years. Even after leaving Tazheran's training, Anksto continued to go after knowledge. He is well educated on the cultures of south-western Tourceia, as that is where he spent most of his training with Tazheran. In addition to this, he also learned powerful draconic and magical secrets from Tazheran—such as the process to create dragonborn. Due to this magical training, he is an extremely powerful sorcerer, and should not be trifled with. In addition to these things, Tazheran is also a very good engineer, and is responsible for providing the groundwork for many Greenfellian advancements.

Accomplishments & Achievements

One of Anksto's biggest accomplishments was helping to found the Metallic Order, first formed to defeat the Night Terror, but later became the antithesis of the Cult of Chroma. The Order became a powerful, secretive force within Tourceia, and protected the continent over many years. Many of the closely avoided disasters in Tourceia's history can be attributed to the intervention of the Order. He founded the Order with five other metallic dragons, although they have not been in touch recently, due to Anksto's centuries of imprisonment.   Another major accomplishment of Anksto was the founding of the Kingdom of Greenfell. After helping the gnomes who had settled on the island of Greenfell, they asked him to rule and unite them. Although Anksto declined, he did provide them with a ruler, and helped to establish their government and line of succession, so that the country could run smoothly for centuries. Anksto is often regarded with reverence and respect from many of Greenfell's citizens due to his benevolent nature, and his public perception is perhaps his greatest achievement and legacy.

Failures & Embarrassments

One of Anksto's biggest embarrassments and regrets was him leaving the continent out of fear of the Long Night. Anksto regrets leaving the continent and not standing with his metallic brethren, out of fear for his own life. He attempts to justify it as "playing the long game," but deep down he feels intense shame at the thought of running from a fight. This is part of the reason he works tirelessly to find a way to defeat the Night Terror, because he believes that if he ran, he must find a way to make it up to those who fell before him.   Another one of Anksto's failures was in his strict construction of Greenfell's government. Anksto saw the signs of the Last King's madness, but still did not force his abdication. He had the option of replacing the Last King with the King's brother, but ulitmately he decided that the problem would fix itself. He felt that tradition and adherence to the laws would solve all problems, and was more important than whom would actually make the better leader. This inaction on the part of Anksto led to his own imprisonment, and the Collapse of Greenfell, ultimately destroying the country he worked so hard to build.

Intellectual Characteristics

Anksto is an extremely intelligent creature, as he has had centuries to hunt down knowledge and learn its secrets. Anksto is intellectually smarter than any human, although sometimes his pride allows him to be tricked and intellectually bested—such as when he was imprisoned by the Last King of Greenfell. His extremely high intellect makes him a valuable ally, and an even more dangerous enemy.

Morality & Philosophy

Anksto is extremely moral. He believes that all life is sacred, and should be protected at all costs. However, he also believes that those who have taken a life, have forfeited their own. He does not believe in imposing his will upon others, and despised ideas of slavery. This is part of the reason why—Pre-Collapse—the warforged on Greenfell were treated better than one might have expected, earning reasonable pay and benefits for their labor. Anksto believes in doing whatever is necessary for the greater good, and will stop at nothing to defeat the Night Terror, and other evildoers of Tourceia.   Anksto holds a strict construction philosophy on most issues within life. He adhered to a strict hierarchy of authority within his sector of the Metallic Order, while other Patrons were more relaxed. Anksto believes that rules are put in place for a reason, and should be followed exactly at all costs, lest society fall into savagery and lawlessness. He has never broken one of his own rules, and will avoid doing so at any cost.

Personality Characteristics


Anksto is most motivated by a general desire to do good, and gain more knowledge. These two things are the primary reasons that he does anything in his life. He wishes to make the world a better place, for his descendants—among whom he counts the Warforged—and the innocent. He also believes that advancement is the best way to move forward as a society, and will do whatever he can to learn more throughout his life, to gain new knowledge, so that he may use it to better himself and the world.   Another large motivator for Anksto is shame. Shame is a huge aspect of why Anksto is so bent on defeating the Night Terror and the Cult of Chroma. He feels shame at what he believes was his abandonment of his metallic brethren during the Long Night. It has become a sort of survivor's guilt for him, and it drives his mission each day. He survived, so he must avenge those who came before him.

Virtues & Personality perks

Anksto is a very good leader and organizer, due to his strict construction philosophy. He implements rules and regulations, and makes sure that those under them adhere to them completely. Before his imprisonment, he ran the most efficient sector of the Metallic Order. He also has a general desire to do good for the world, which often causes him to act out in the assistance of others, usually in the betterment of the world as a whole. For an entity with so much power, he is slow to anger, and quick to kindness—fortunately for the denizens of Tourceia.

Vices & Personality flaws

One major flaw of Anksto is his intellectual pride. He believes that he is smarter than any humanoids due to his age and experience, and is not always open-minded. He underestimates people, and often believes his own ideas to be superior—sometimes missing the obvious solutions right in front of him. This pride led to his own downfall—as he underestimated the Last King, whom ultimately imprisoned him.


Contacts & Relations

In addition to being affiliated with the people of the Greenfellian Archipelago, Anksto is also heavily involved and associated with the Metallic Order—which he helped to found. He is one of the six Metallic Patrons of the Order, and was heavily involved with its activities prior to his imprisonment. While he often left field-work to agents, he had been known to take on some of the most dangerous missions himself—disguised as a humanoid to avoid suspicion. He would still be able to control his sector of the Order and gain some favors from the other sectors—out of their respect for him—even after his imprisonment.

Wealth & Financial state

Anksto hoards immense wealth within his lair on Breathfire Island, and his hoard is a magnificently glittering sight to behold. Piles of gold, gems, and other precious metals cover the floor, as if a great sea of wealth—with waves of coins—rises up to greet him. Ornate weapons and tools can also be found within the hoard, and it would not be unreasonable to assume that powerful items imbued with magic lay within. While Anksto does keep most of his hoard to himself, he also has been known to give away large sums of gold to the needy within Greenfell—or those that earn his favor—so that everyone may have a comfortable life.
Lawful Good
Current Status
Recovering from his Imprisonment
Current Location
Date of Birth
21st of Zindev, 832 B.R.H.
Year of Birth
832 B.R.H. 1157 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Hatched from an egg in the heart of Mt. Breathfire, formed from a vein of gold exposed to intense magic.
Breathfire Island
Large, Golden
A few long, golden whiskers near his mouth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Large, shiny, golden, tear-shaped scales
About 16 feet tall
About 150,000 lbs
Aligned Organization
Related Plots
Ruled Locations

  • 832 B.R.H.

    21 Zindev

    Anksto is Born
    Life, Birth

    Anksto hatches from an egg deep in the heart of Mt. Breathfire. The egg was formed from a vein of gold exposed to an unnatural dose of intense magic. The pressure as well as the heat from the volcano formed the egg, and eventually moved it through lava flows into an open chamber allowing it to hatch.

  • 732 B.R.H.

    21 Zindev

    Anksto's Centennial
    Life, Milestone

    Anksto reaches one hundred years of age, and begins to develop magical abilities.

  • 682 B.R.H.

    1 Gypir
    600 B.R.H.

    1 Gypir

    Anksto Travels to the Continent
    Discovery, Exploration

    Anksto journeys to the continent to attempt to gain more knowledge and control over his newfound magical abilities. He stays for approximately eighty years, during which he learns how to control his magic, meets new allies, new evils, and ultimately changes the course of his life forever.

  • 652 B.R.H.

    16 Sauntra
    600 B.R.H.

    1 Gypir

    Anksto trains with Tazheran
    Life, Education

    While journeying through the Saltashesian Theocracy, Anksto is approached by an ancient platinum dragon named Tazheran, who offers to teach him to control his magic. Anksto accepts, and the two train together for Anksto's remaining time on the continent. During this time, Anksto begins to develop his hoard, learns powerful draconic magic, and interacts with many of the civilizations of Tourceia.

  • 630 B.R.H.

    6 Kardes
    600 B.R.H.

    1 Gypir

    The Long Night

    After having escaped from the depths of Karalmir, the Night Terror emerged into the unprepared world of Tourceia. The Night Terror was a huge, horrifying, being of shadow that was capable of killing the most powerful of creatures. It killed for sport, leaving corpses in gruesome positions, seemingly in an attempt to send a message. It primarily killed metallic dragons, and over thirty years, slaughtered hundreds of them—from wyrmlings to ancients. The entire population of platinum dragons were thought to have been slaughtered, although it is said that Tazheran survived. The other metallic ancestries were not so heavily hit as to go completely extinct, although they are extremely close—with most of them having gone into hiding during this event, and not being seen since.

    Additional timelines
  • 605 B.R.H.

    14 Taidvy 12:00

    The Metallic Order is Founded

    In order to attempt to defend Tourceia against the Night Terror, Tazheran gathered five dragons—one of each metallic ancestry—that he knew he could count on. These dragons were Anksto, Galingar, Ismolnos, Miridi, and Zaredesa. These six dragons created the organization that would become known as the Metallic Order. The Order would spread across the continent, and would attempt to thwart The Night Terror, gather more information on it, and ultimately attempt to find a way to defeat it for good. The order's primary agents from its inception were metallic dragonborn, but other races joined their ranks through the years.

    Additional timelines
  • 600 B.R.H.

    2 Gypir

    Anksto Returns to Greenfell
    Population Migration / Travel

    Anksto decides to leave the continent and returns to his place of birth at Greenfell, in order to hide from the Night Terror and develop his next move. He begins practicing his magic even more vigorously, and attempts to find some way to defeat the Night Terror.

  • 513 B.R.H.

    5 Gypir
    513 B.R.H.

    1 Tvarstune

    The Kingdom of Greenfell

    After years of building his hoard and attempting to gather knowledge on the Night Terror, Anksto is greeted with a fleet of gnomish ships on the coast of Greenfell. After watching them closely for a few months, Anksto reveals himself and begins to help the gnomes—using his centuries of knowledge gained from the continent, and his own studies. The gnomes began to ask Anksto to rule and unite them, but Anksto had no wish to rule a civilization—he instead wanted to focus on the Night Terror. So, he used powerful draconic magic that he learned from Tazheran to create the first Golden Dragonborn, who would rule the people of Greenfell. This dragonborn was Pirmas Karalius—the first King of Greenfell.

  • 232 B.R.H.

    10 Tvarstune

    The Collapse
    Era beginning/end

    The Collapse—the day that changed Greenfell forever. The technological advancements of the Greenfellians became their downfall. All biological life on the island was decimated, and the single island split into eight separate islands, each developing new, distinct cultures. It was also the day that Anksto, the Great Golden Dragon, was bound and trapped in the depths of Mt. Breathfire.

  • 228 R.H.

    27 Tvarstune

    Anksto is Freed

    After being trapped in Mt. Breathfire for the centuries after the Collapse, Anksto was finally freed by a group of adventurers, whom hoped to gain his help in retrieving the Catalyst Gems, and defeating the Cult of Chroma. Anksto provided them with information, and began to recover using the magic bound to his hoard.

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