History of Tourceia

  • 630 B.R.H.

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    600 B.R.H.

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    The Long Night

    After having escaped from the depths of Karalmir, the Night Terror emerged into the unprepared world of Tourceia. The Night Terror was a huge, horrifying, being of shadow that was capable of killing the most powerful of creatures. It killed for sport, leaving corpses in gruesome positions, seemingly in an attempt to send a message. It primarily killed metallic dragons, and over thirty years, slaughtered hundreds of them—from wyrmlings to ancients. The entire population of platinum dragons were thought to have been slaughtered, although it is said that Tazheran survived. The other metallic ancestries were not so heavily hit as to go completely extinct, although they are extremely close—with most of them having gone into hiding during this event, and not being seen since.

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  • 605 B.R.H.

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    The Metallic Order is Founded

    In order to attempt to defend Tourceia against the Night Terror, Tazheran gathered five dragons—one of each metallic ancestry—that he knew he could count on. These dragons were Anksto, Galingar, Ismolnos, Miridi, and Zaredesa. These six dragons created the organization that would become known as the Metallic Order. The Order would spread across the continent, and would attempt to thwart The Night Terror, gather more information on it, and ultimately attempt to find a way to defeat it for good. The order's primary agents from its inception were metallic dragonborn, but other races joined their ranks through the years.

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