Anslaugh Keep

Capital city of Anslaugh, and home to the Reichronn and Yellowhold.   Primarily occupied by majority humans and minority dwarves. There is an enclave of halflings and various elven, marg, elfborne, and drakkenwhyte groups scattered across the city. There are a few living in the city as the only individuals of their kind; a changeling, omen, archon, and warforged. There is also a singular giant, dragon, and extraplanar being.   Elves are generally looked down upon in the city.   Comprised of several distinct areas:   The Coppers - Home to the poorest of folk, it's roads made only of muck giving way to the nickname Mudtown. It's situated between the Oderhartz river and the swamp, from which many of its inhabitants earn meager livings. One cannot help but be dirtied by the mud, beset by beggars, or robbed by desperate thieves here. Any who travel through the Coppers find themselves approached by Gouge-my-own-Gullet Gerhardt, an aggressive peddler with a seemingly infinite amount of wares.   Yellowhold - The garrison of the Fleurid Fellows, it's forces assessing any threats that may attempt to cross the bridge into the city. The island fortress stands out from the rest of the city with its colorful rooftops and its foreign architecture. Many Fellows can be seen practicing a variety of arts here- painting, music, building scale models. A fanciful bunch- largely made up of Xirian exiles.   The Keep - Most of the middle class lives here; bureaucrats, administrators, guildsmen, well-to-do craftsmen, etc. Many shops, restaurants, theaters, and any other service that might do well to folk with a bit of money to spend has its home here. Location of the Reichronn and home of the current ruler.   Tolden's Workshop - Where many of the city's crafters work their trades. Hawkers abound calling out their goods, but the greatest sound in the Workshop is that of creation. The banging of hammers, the sizzling of metal, the sawing of wood.   Highgate - The city's noble families claim Highgate for their own; you are not welcome unless you present an invitation to the ward's personal guard, employed by the nobles to keep the tranquil peace that separates them from the rest of the city. In all likelihood, you are not the 'type of person' that would be welcome.   Apfel Downs - Many of the city's lower and middle class make their home in the Apfel Downs; so named because of the massive apple orchard that feeds many of the ward's children. A large shrine to St. Freya is kept here, as Freya herself blessed this ground some centuries ago. Apples make up the majority of the cuisine here- from treats, to pies, to scumble.   Market Downs - Much of the city's trade passes through or stops at the Market Downs. The huge market is open night and day, and due to its insomnious nature a number of illicit trades thrive here.   Binzhaubra's Hill - Home of the largest graveyard in the city, the Hill is a quiet, somber ward. Perhaps for this reason, a number of mages have taken up residence here. Walking through the Hill is as walking through the library- one feels compelled to quiet, and to be about ones business as quickly as possible.
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