Caeryn / Maelissan

Not much is known about Caeryn, the one who also goes by the name Maelissan the Living Harrow.   Her early life is thought to be in squalor or suffering. She was taken in by Elze & Caraloff Greysbane in part due to their charity and their misfortune as a childless House. Around the collapse of the Greysbane Public Work, she left the family.   At some point she had been adopted by Lord Kozco, one of the two leaders of the Gilded Throne in Anslaugh Keep.   She has somewhat recently been seen as advisor to Balthasar, and is thought to be the one who orchestrated his appearance in the city and ascent to Crowned Prince of the Reichronn. How she came to such a position is unclear.   Dark visions have shown her as connected to the disruption of the Wheel.   Has some nefarious use for the Godtouched.
Parents (Adopting)


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