Elze Greysbane

Elze Greysbane

Lady of House Greysbane, a noble of Anslaugh Keep. Married to Caraloff Greysbane.   A patron of public works in the city- heading the Greysbane Public Works city project, now disgraced with it's failure.   Lady Elze is a mother three times; her first foster child, Caeryn, surrounded in mystery, and left the family. Her first borne child Tyffany, stolen from the crib as her family slept, and replaced with another bearing the same face- a shock to the family when the true Tyffany walked back into their lives as an adolescent. And her youngest child, the first son Caspar. The changeling Faney was displaced and left the family in disgrace.   Though the family was disgraced, she is in high enough standing with the Reichronn that she was invited to the Feast with the Crowned Prince. She appeared deeply uncomfortable with Faney's attendance, though seemed to be eased while speaking with Tyffany. She seems thankful now that her daughter was bestowed a "hero" status by the Crowned Prince, leaving the dark rumors of any involvement with the former Regent in the past and removing that stain on her family.


Elze Greysbane


Towards Caraloff Greysbane


Caraloff Greysbane


Towards Elze Greysbane




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