Claiv Sollish

Claiv Sollish is a sentient chaotic neutral weapon (Specific mechanics/effects are detailed on it's equipment page on the character sheet).  This emerald blade is shot with veins of silver, i'ts leather-wrapped hilt is filigreed with gold. The blade catches light and reflects it back in otherworldly patterns.   Claiv Sollish speaks in a haunting brogue. It is at once whimsical and dour, as a wry bard that has seen the realities of their tales- it is fey in every meaning.   Currently in the hands of another Greysbane, Claiv revealed it has been held by ones of that name before. The sword calls that is wielder stop resisting their inevitable death. Though weathering many harrowing battles with Tyffany seems to perhaps be slowly changing the sword's mind that death is the only fate for the heroes who wield him.    He seems to have an unknown connection or history with Imryc. He is loathe to discuss it.   Dormant I am the bard, laid low by great sorrow. My purpose is folly, I quit to the barrow.
Current Holder


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