Tyffany Greysbane

Tyffany Greysbane

Born to the House Greysbane in Anslaugh Keep, Tyffany was set for a comfortable life as a noble in Highgate. However, she was Fated to be stolen instead spent her formative years with Woodelves in their Wode. There, she became Elfborne and learned the many intrigues of magic and a life outside the city. As she grew, she started spending time outside the Wode, eventually settling into life as an adventurer.   Returning to the city of her birth, Tyffany was immediately embroiled in controversy surrounding the supposed death of Anslaugh Keep's Regent Berthold II. Eventually escaping the city, she found herself once again back in a Wode. Seeking shelter in an ancient library, it became clear it's denizens were not intending to let any visitor leave. Teaming up with a group looking to escape this ancient trap, they fought their ways back to the outside world. This was how Tyffany came to be part of the group later to be known as the OsterRats.  
Since that Fated encounter, Tyffany has travelled with the OsterRats searching for a wait to repair her reputation and further her research into the arcane. In their questing, she had succeeded in bringing the Greysbane name out of disgrace and was awarded the opportunity to finance the building of Tyffany's Tower at the Godstear Mine, to further her pursuits.
Exploring the mysterious ruins underneath Anslaugh Keep, the OsterRats found ruins appearing to be of First Elf origin- or older. What once was caves and caverns turned to ancient ruins and abodes of those who came before. Coming upon a tower, Tyffany dove in to the vast library & notes detailing "experiments" and machines. She learned that the First Elves were highly connected to those who came before & the displacement of planes. The OsterRats in their exploration found a large crystal containing Maelissan- a chrysalis, bound for unknown purpose. Upon its destruction, they were transported to a demiplane and made to fight her and companions for a "challenge." After defeating her illusions and striking her down, the group was made to be given a prize. By stepping through a glowing doorway- a portal to another world, with chants of the Queen of Swords and Chaos, Tyffany stepped through, her being sacrificed to to Xiombarg, connecting Chaos to Advaen. The only thing left of her being her sword- Claiv Sollish.
Tyffany found herself abruptly awoken, with only scattered memories as she oriented herself. She was in the Guild's Circle. She had to find her way back.
Pinkish Red Hue
Pink hair pulled into two pigtails
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white skin, scared by fire


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