Copper Carters Consortium

Based in Anslaugh Keep, the Consortium had humble beginnings as a small operation, which grew overtime into the influential organization.   Recently, the Copper Carters Consortium was set back in both status and means due to Minna, a leader at the time, enchanting Johannes to funnel all profits almost directly to the Gilded Throne by way of extremely disadvantageous trades and favors. The OsterRats were contracted to investigate the oddities happening, discovered the enchantment, and confronted her, leading to the end of Minna's life and control over the CCC.   The Consortium is working to repair its status and reputation. To assist, the OsterRats have contracted them exclusively to help mine one of the only known untainted sources of iron in the realm.   Currently lead by Johannes, with Stilda as a second in command.
Consortium, Business
Notable Members


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