
Originally posed as Henrietta, the partner of Stilda of the Copper Carters Consortium.   After initiating a battle between Lady Ealma, Lord Kozco, Lord Broxlith, Sir Talhymon, she took advantage of the OsterRat's moment of distraction and killed Lady Ealma & Lord Kozco the leaders of the Gilded Throne. While trying to escape, she revealed her true face as that of a changeling. And further, that she was the changeling who had originally replaced Tyffany Greysbane in Anslaugh Keep.   It appears that while Faney was deceiving the OsterRats on her identity, she had a deep knowledge and was honest about details of Henrietta's life.   Taken prisoner by the OsterRats and Sir Talhymon, she was given to the guards of Osterheide, to be brought to justice and likely executed. It was reported that she had attempted to escape and was cut down by Lydia, however after this death she was seen at the Reichronn feast honoring the OsterRats.   The one known as Faney seems to be duplicated an unknown amount of times, not just in body, but in soul and mind through some means by the hands of Maelissan, the only one Faney seems to have any true love or loyalty towards.
Parents (Adopting)


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