
A group of Godtouched adventurers, most having been raised and trained together by Roth & Malthazar in Rat's Rest. Following their deaths, the OsterRats have regained possession of their childhood home and lands.   Regarded as Heroes in Osterheid.   Regarded as Heroes in Anslaugh Keep after clearing the immanent threat below the city. Rumors being that this was for clearing the sewers of mole-men before they could assault the city, however the truth known to some is that the danger was a nest of Mindflayers. Known to even fewer that they had been summoned to the city by Caeryn.   They hired the Copper Carters Consortium to help rebuild and run the abandoned Godstear Mine, one of the only sources of untainted iron known to the region. It's build nearing completion, much to the excitement of the OsterRats and Tyffany in particular.   The group decided to further investigate the ruins underneath Anslaugh Keep as they found clues indicating there was a lost city, and even whispers of a lost laboratory of the First Elves. The OsterRats have found and slain mighty creatures and plundered treasures in the ruins, however the most curious find has been small pockets of alternate worlds seemingly created to simulate various adventures and settings (i.e. a small farm town, a coliseum fight).
Adventuring Party
Controlled Territories


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