Miska, the Wolf-Spider Character in Adventures Along the Sword Coast | World Anvil
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Miska, the Wolf-Spider

Miska the Wolf-Spider is the lover of the Queen of Chaos and a Demon Lords of the Abyss. He appears as a large armored spider with a four-armed human male torso. His human head is flanked on either side with the head of a snarling wolf.


In the early days of the multiverse, in the so-called Age Before Ages, the Primordials launched a war against the Pantheon of Faerûn. By brute force and threats of death and punishment, the Queen of Chaos rallied her fellow obyriths into a united front. To gain cooperation from the then-servitor race the tanar'ri, the Queen took as her lover and head general Miska the Wolf-Spider. The Queen went as far as to murder the then Prince of Demons Obox-ob and bestow the title to her new consort.   Under Miska's command, the forces of Chaos were triumphant, taking over world after world, driving back the gods. The gods eventually fashioned an artifact to use against Miska, imprisoning him in Pandemonium and shattering the artifact into seven parts, effectively bringing the war to a stalemate. The Queen, to this day, looks for a way to free Miska to restart the war.
Divine Classification
Demon Lord
Previously Held Ranks & Titles


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