The Deadly Raven II

The Deadly Raven made a reappearance in Fidelia when the Tulips arrived there.   The wicked inventor Henry Olmsted, Maxwell Fenwick's long-time partner and business partner, had been with Fenwick when he was studying the cure. As a result, he had a few samples of the original Deadly Raven strain with him.    In his attempts to bring down the city of Fidelia, Olmsted engineered a second, more potent strain of the Deadly Raven, one that enhanced the hostilities of those infected by turning them into hulking, ugly monsters bent on destruction. For a long time, these monsters roamed the streets of Fidelia until the Tulips uncovered the truth.    This was known as the second scourge of the Deadly Raven. Luckily, it did not last as long as the previous scourge, as the Tulips managed to rescue the real Maxwell Fenwick and heal the city.


Red eyes, red goopy material leaking out of orifices, transformation into hulking beast monster


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