The Root

The Root is an ancient organization spanning hundreds of thousands of years.   There is great evil in this world, but there is also great good. Heroes frequently rise to the occasion when disaster strikes. Most believe this to be mere coincidence, but in reality, those heroes are contracted by The Root.   The Root seeks out hero groups and places them out in the world for the greater good. The organization is mysterious, clandestine, practically invisible out of necessity. If Antarah's villains were to know of an organization dedicated to snuffing out evil, they would quickly become easy targets.   So, The Root hides, watches, and protects all of Antarah.


The Root's hero groups are divided up into factions labeled by flower sigils on their wrists.   Lorelai is the leader of The Root. He handles recruitment and rewards for the different parties under The Root's employ. It is as yet unknown exactly how he got this position.   A mysterious figure known as the Oracle determines missions for the groups. Little is known about her, but she seems to be able to see different events in the future.   Lorelai has implied that it would be unwise to meet or interact with her, as her job is exhausting and any distractions could negatively impact her ability to see.

Public Agenda

The goal of The Root is to locate problem areas in Antarah and minimize the potential damages.


The Root has a vast amount of assets, considering they have a very wide network of individuals under their employ. One of the most valuable players in The Root is the technician and weapons master Gam, who completes commissioned work for the different parties.

A tree's beauty lies in its branches, but its strength lies in its roots.

Secret, Brotherhood
Notable Members


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