
Town of Ellavaria Base Map Image


The Elven town of Ellavaria is not the most easy location to get to. Nestled between the Saber Mountains and Tremors Sea and deep within the Maznel Forest, Ellavaria is a hidden gem that not many get the chance to see. The deep forest town is self sufficient and trade, specifically imports, isn't a huge industry here. Economy growth is mostly neutral and the culture has a family/town first mentality.


Predominantly Elven


  • Ran by Council of Elders. Current leader Mr. Tarron Yindi
  • Governed by Kesser Monarch through the Zilyana Agreement
  • Relationship with Kesser Monarchy = In Good Standing

Industry & Trade

  • Saevel's Bow and Blade (High-End Smith)
  • Yarivel Mt. Trapping (Furs and Pelts)
  • Six West Cargo
  • Alzar Trans Company Kravti Dock Warehouse
  • Gillvee Feywinery & Distillery



There are theories as to why Ellavaria seemingly used to have two separate town centers and a long stretch of forest between. Many say there was a riff in the counseling body around the time of the Battle of the Two Realms which caused half the town to relocate. Some legends claim that the severe offenders were kicked completely from the town and were forced to relocate.

Points of interest


  • The Weary Traveler Bed & Breakfast
  • Walking Viper Tavern


  • Wilderness Exchange (General Goods)
  • Food Market (Food)
  • Myrill's Finer Things (Fine & Common Clothing)
  • Red Smoke (Blacksmith)
  • Nature's Cure (Potions & Arcana)


Ajurn's "Traveling Alcoholic" Report

  • Local brew only found here
  • Fantastic Elven Moon Shine
  • Drinking in excess is frowned upon here.
  • Pace yourself, Strong Drink.

Local Brews

  • Gillvee Moonshine
  • Gillvee Feywine
Founding Date
1801 ToA
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank


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