Zilyana Agreement


Under the Zilyana Agreement, Elven Settlements may retain power of their region under their traditional governing councils, but must not depart from specific guidelines imposed by the Crown. They may also have an Elven leader, or Arch Councilor over them instead of a Duke from the Royal Bloodline. The reason for this is due to the remote locations of the Elven Settlements, their proud history and culture, and the assistance they provided King Marxus Tevarial during the 16 Year War.

Document Structure


Under the Zilyana Agreement, Listed Elven Settlements are Authorized to:

  1. Retain power of their region under their traditional governing councils.
  2. Maintain a guard force or militia not to exceed one hundred at each settlement.
  3. Conduct military action in a defense nature against non-state actors. Preemptive defense attacks authorized.
  4. Have an Elven leader responsible for their region and settlement. This leader shall be addressed as Arch Councilor.


Under the Zilyana Agreement, Listed Elven Settlements are Required to:

  1. Allow citizens of the Great Kingdom of the Fray and their businesses.
  2. Adopt and display the Zilyana Flag as their banner.
  3. Respond to the aid of the Crown and its citizens in time of war, conflict, disaster, or any other emergency/event/situation decreed by the acting King.
  4. Maintain an active Arch Councilor to act as the regions Duke for Royal matters.

Legal status

Per tradition, King Uall the III has honored this Agreement at the following locations:
  • Karootah
  • Ellavaria
  • Stilhelm

Historical Details


During the Traxius Alliance, the Elven Settlements were not content with the Treaty of Traxius created the "New Lands Concordat" for protection during this time of expansion. Records suggest this move was in response to the destruction of the Elven town of Valily and the lack of response from the Traxius Alliance. Under the leadership Zilyana Karootah, the remaining Elven towns created an active Army and Navy to safeguard from further attack.     On the 6th of Arbus, 16 ToA, King Marxus Tevarial Uall, the leader of Kesserfell, departed from the Traxius Alliance and set out to form the Great Kingdom of the Fray. Led by Zilyana Karootah, the Elven Settlements joined the side of the Great Kingdom of the Fray.     On King Marxus Tevarial Uall's coronation, Zilyana Karootah presented him with his agreement, which later took her name.

Zilyana Flag

Treaty, Diplomatic
Authoring Date
1st of Darasil, 1 Rou
Ratification Date
7th of Darasil, 1 Rou
Signatories (Organizations)


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