
City of Kesserfell Base Map Image


Kesserfell, the capital city of the Fray Island Monarchy, is also the hub for travel and commerce in the region. Located on the north shore of Kesser Bay, Kesserfell is the leader for sea fairing cargo and transportation with its massive network of docks and warehouses. Kesserfell also has a military might as it is the home to both the Royal Kesser Navy and the elite "Knights of Kesser".


Predominantly Human, Elven, and Human/Elven Variants.


Governed by King Uall the III and Prince Uall the IV
Relationship with Kesser Monarchy = In Good Standing



There are rumors of a secret society of thieves named the Basher Ally Gang who base in Kesserfell, led by the notorious "Queen" of Kesser.

Points of interest



  • Regal Estate Inn
  • Blind Betty's Tavern
  • Fugle Duck's Brewery and Distillery


  • Nightshade Potions and Elixirs (Potions & Arcana)
  • Clean & Proper Clothing (Clothing)
  • Walton Mart (General Goods)
  • Capital Armament (Blacksmith)
  • Food Market (Food)
  • Trader Market (General Goods)


  • Sommerland Shipping Co.
  • Trapperdocks Trading Co.
  • Nam Imports
  • Maznel Angler Co.
  • Main Port Warehouses


Ajurn's "Traveling Alcoholic" Report

  • Lots of selections from the region
  • Most common and some uncommon brews can be found. May get lucky and get a rare or two.
  • Fugle Ducks Brewery and Distillery are here so stock up, if that's your fancy!

Local Brews

  • Dawn Break (Tendell Whiskey)
  • Duckbutt (Spiced Rum)
  • The Duke Lager (Beer)
  • The Emperor Ale (Beer)
  • The Sandhill Witbier (Beer)
  • Ma 'Lady's Pinot Noir (Wine)
  • Ma 'Lady's Cabernet Sauvignon (Wine)

King Uall the III

Founding Date
968 ToA
Large city
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Home to the Esteemed Kings University


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