
Overwhelming heat and choking smoke consume you, as you feel your very flesh melting.


The Ablaze condition can be caused from a variety of stimuli. Many ruby magicks will inflict this condition, encompassing its targets in flames. This condition can also be inflicted naturally, from certain chymech weapons, or from various explosives.


It is quite obvious in its manifestation, given when someone is in this state they will be literally engulfed in flames. Burned flesh, blackened skin, these are all symptoms after the fact.

Adventures in Valerick Effect: A creature suffering from the Ablaze condition takes 1d10 fire damage at the beginning of their turn, though this increases by +1 damage every round that they are consecutively afflicted with the condition.


Obviously the first step to handling this condition is to of course put the victim out. A victim whom is knowledgeable and swift can perhaps save themselves, using th esimple 'stop, drop and roll' method, though this will not work if the condition was inflicted from any Ruby Magick spell-weaves.

Once that has been accomplished, they will likely be suffering from some pretty harsh burns unless the response was quite rapid. They will need proper medical treatment or magick healing for these injuries. There are a variety of non-magick methods to treat bad burns, though none of them are cheap, easy or pleasant.

Adventures in Valerick Effect: On their turn, after taking the fire damage, a creature afflicted with the Ablaze condition via a non magickal source may attempt an Agility Defensive Test, at the cost of all 3 of their actions to stop, drop and roll to put out the flames and remove the conditon. The TN of this test is 8+2/round you have been afflicted by the condition. If it is caused by a magick, a creature trait or a supernatural ability, the base TN is established by the appropriate TN of the creature ability TN, Caster TN or the phenomenon in question initially, and every round this increases by +2. Being fully submerged in water will remove this condition unless the cause dictates otherwise.


Generally someone on fire is not beneficial and as a rule is exceedingly dangerous, and if you find yourself in such a position, the prognosis begins to become very bleak quite quickly.


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