Bela Naimeth (Ba-ll-a Nae-mee-th)


"By the sun and spear, Vosana give me strength, because sometimes I do not know how to handle your behavior or tactical decisions.

Bela talking to one of her companions, likely Coris, on a semi-regular basis.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Bela is a fit, athletic and healthy woman, of a strong build. Notably feminine, yet smaller, petite in that sense some might say. Her features are typical of those human of Mogol blood, hawkish, almost angular, beautiful in their own symetrical sense, but now the bold and harsh features of the Renarii, nor the strong and rounded features of the Koltani. Small nose, eyes of a sharper shape, less almond shaped than other human heritages, they rest at a slight tilted inward angle as well, less flat. Her complexion shows no real signs of aging, and likely will not, as is the way of the Mogol. They seem to not show their age in their skin.

Though she is a little short, it is not boldly noticable, and only really is noticed if you are looking for it. She keeps her hair in a typical style of her people whom live abroad, cut just past her shoulders, slicked back and tied in small tail at the base of her skull, tight to her head. This common style, known as 'cut-tail' is a favorite of many Mogol women, as it frames their face in a flattering fashion, and is quite comfortable as well, keeping their hair well and truly out of their face. Her eyes are friendly, her face kind, yet one can discern the inner strength, the zealous faith, flickering in her eyes like embers.

Apparel & Accessories

When traveling the roads and wilderness, Bela travels well armed and armored. A simple tunic of unriveted chainmail, light weight, but protection enough, over top of reasonably thick gambeson. Her woven leather and hide greaves also have a layer of mail between the outer hardened leather and inner woven fibers. Simple iron boots, thin gloves with small steel plates overlayed over the top of the hand and each finger for hand protection. No helmet, though her gambeson tunic does have a mail lined hood she can pull up over her head. Over this she wears a simple tabbard, yellow in color, with a orange and red sunburst on the front and back, a simple garment depicting her faith.

When not traveling, she wears more regular garb, simple slacks or even a long woolen skirt, with a buttoned tunic of soft blue or green, and her tabbard when handling church business.

Specialized Equipment

Bela has been blessed with the gift of Calling, and as such does carry a small scripture book. This intricate little religious tome is actually mostly blank, for it is filled out by a priest or priestess as they learn the secrets of their deity's scriptures, finding the various prayers of power, those meant for Callings, throughout their ever continual study of the faith and its many holy texts and tomes over the course of their lives.

Besides this she wears a pendant of silver and gold on a simple woven cord. The pendant is in the shape of the sun, however within its gold center, a silver feather is depicted, the feather of a pegasus. This pendant is her connection to the goddess, and is a key focal point for her Calling.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bela is a human woman of Mogol heritage, however was born and raised in Valewyr, in a town called Kastig. She was born to the stablemaster for the local military garrison and his lady wife, and was well educated growing up, recieving top end education within Kastig due to her father's relationship with the local clergy of Vosana Falconhand's faithful. She took to more than just the education, however, and found herself a willing and exciteable student of tactics, wisdom, and war. In truth, always a bit of a tomboy, she felt most at home wrestling, studying strategy, learning to ride, and studying theology.

This distinctly abnormal cross-section of interests led to her choosing to leave her two younger siblings to apprentice under their father and mother as a stablehand and a bank clerk respectively, whilst she joined the cloister as an acolyte. At the time she was but 14 years of age. Bela took to this life like a fish to water or a pegasi to the air, devouring her studies, learning her martial arts, and expanding her understanding of the scriptures and power that they could wield. By 19 years of age, she was a fully recognized member of the clergy, a Sun-Caller. She spent the first few years doing local missionary work, traveling out from Kastig regularly to smaller towns, villages and hamlets nearby to aid their local chapels and shrines however she could, to give sermons and to check on their general well being.

However, three years ago, her life changed. She was to visit a very small village, a hamlet really, little more than a small mine, a place only recently discovered but half a year ago, a place that was likely to become a busy little mining community given silver had been found. However the sight she came upon would stick with her, and drive her wanderlust for years to come, providing her with a crisis of faith of sorts, this belief she was meant for more, that she had to do more. She travels now seeking that higher purpose in its specifics, believing her journey, no matter how convoluted, to be guided by Vosana Falconhand herself. She sees herself as a missionary of her faith, spreading the good word, deeds, and aid of the Sky-Queen wherever she travels, offering her skill, wisdom, and power to those in need as best she can.

Personality Characteristics


Bela is motivated by her faith, and the belief that her adventurous road is guided by Vosana Falconhand. It is a deep belief, rooted in something terrible that occurred, and the resulting belief that the quiet life of the cloth was not all she was meant for, that her calling as a priestess of the Lady of Tactics was a higher one. She has no specific vision of this task in mind, but trusts Vosana to guide her properly.



Though Mogol, she was born and raised in Valewyr, and as such, has a strange mixed accent. She speaks swiftly, with strong announciation and clipped speech with short sentences, straight forward and to the point, as is common for those of the Mogol heritage. However she also has an almost elvish music and tempo to her voice, thrumming and percussive like the Skye-Elf peoples whom are the most numerous in the lands of Valewyr, and are the majority of Vosana's faithful. This blending also extends to language, as she speaks Elthain as well as Mogishu and Common Valarian.
Bela Naimeth Base Character Sheet
Dark almost burnt grey-black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A sort of smoky cream complexion
5' 5" or 1.65 meters
188 lbs or 85 kgs

Character Portrait image: Bela Naimeth by Keon Croucher Using Midjourney


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