Belle Gull

Well yes, me size does help of course, cause normally a fight be two hits. I hit them, they hit the floor.

Belle, explaining her past as a tavern champion in Venix, a large city in the western marches of Kang-Chorath.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She looks the part of a fist-fighter, scarred knuckles, swollen finger joints, her nose crooked and off kilter, obviously having been broken and not aligned properly more than once. She is massive, as are all Tantur by most people's point of view, but also muscular, athletic, a real strong and powerful presence of an individual whom also oozes confidence.

Facial Features

She has thick lips, chapped and scarred, her teeth a bit twisted and crooked, and she's missing part of two of them, likely from a blow to the face. Her nose is kinked and splayed a bit to the left, clearly having been broken at least once or twice without being set properly. She has a sort of smirking cocky and confident expression as sort of her neutral resting expression, that sort of cocksure champion fighter attitude.

Apparel & Accessories

She dresses simply, in loose and comfortable lightweight garb, even in the cold of Durolian winters, seeming to not be horribly bothered by the cold.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Clearly her Titan heritage is that of Stone or Hill Joten, this Tantur woman stands tall, proud and unbroken. She grew up an oprhan, growing up rough in Venix, a city in western Kang-Chorath known for its mango and papaya plantation villages surrounding the city itself. However she grew up in the underbelly of the city proper, amongs criminals and gangs, and got tied up with illict fighting and gambling rings at a young age, particularly in connection with a group known as the Blood Oak Syndicate.

She got involved as protection, hired muscle, and then debt collection, but finally, fighting. She was a hell of a brawling champion, and sat on top for many years, only being bested in four bouts out of dozens and dozens she took part in. In truth, she threw three of those upon orders of her boss, Robert Timbers. However her life changed drastically six years ago, which is how she finds herself in such diverse and odd company on a different continent across the world. She beat Timbers to death.

She did this because he killed a close personal friend in front of her, but he did not just have her killed for failing to throw a fight she'd been ordered to. Now he had her ankles and wrists broken, and then had his thugs take turns beating her with a club, like a pinata, I want sweetmeats to pop out of the fat bitch. were his exact words.

Timbers himself was a worthless unimportant shite, and his death would have meant nothing if not for his elder brother Antony, who was much more important, having a seat of leadership within the Syndicate. So beating his little brother to death left Belle understanding her life was forfeit, no two ways about it. So she fled, the city that same night with nothing, and eventually made her way to Susma's western coast, earned enough coin to purchase passage across the sea of sails to the southeastern coast of Raechin. She hopes she has traveled far enough to to escape them, and has no real desire to ever return home.

Personality Characteristics


Belle is naturally combative and competitive, she loves to scrap, brawl, wrestle and fight, and relishes nothing more than opportunity to show her skill and test her own limits. She lives for the oohs and aaahss of a crowd and on-lookers and for the thrilled hushes and gasps of bystanders and fans watching skilled fighters. She's a loyal friend to any companions she finds herself with, however she can be hot tempered and foolhardy sometimes, reacting to things without thinking first, which can land her and anyone with her in hot water.



She has a very modest, deep, baritone accent, her voice, tone and speech comparable to the crashing of waves against stone and earth, the dull roaring tempo of the sea, a very notable Chorathian accent.
Belle Gull Base Character Sheet
Leaf Green
Mossy Green, in thick dreads tied back tight
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown-grey, almost loamy complexion
8'8" or 2.6 meters
568 lbs or 258 kgs

Character Portrait image: Belle Gull by Keon Croucher Using Midjourney


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