Bleeding {x}

You feel the injury as it happens, and realize very swiftly you're bleeding heavily, and the numbness of the area around the injury that's spreading is most definitely concerning.


This condition can be caused by a variety of methods, mundane blade cuts, various creatures talons or teeth, or various magick or supernatural means as well.


This condition is generally pretty obvious, the weakness, the pain, and the actual loss of blood are easily noticed by someone afflicted with this. Left long enough this can cause other effects, or even death should someone be bleeding long enough or severely enough.

Adventures in Valerick Effect: A creature suffering the Bleeding condition, which is what is known as a stacking condition, suffers an amount of damage at the beginning of their turn every round equal to xd4 where the 'x' is the numerical stack tracker of the condition. This condition doesn't fade naturally, requiring a Medical check or magickal healing of some sort beyond merely restoring wounds. The TN of the Medical check is 10+x to staunch the flow of blood and remove the condition.


Obviously bleeding profusely can very quickly become quite dangerous, and if left alone for too long can become terminal.


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