


The chilled condition can be inflicted by a variety of stimuli, from things as simple as underdressing for extreme wintery weather, to a variety of strange and esoteric creatures, abilities and magicks.


Uncontrollable shivering, the inability to get warm, the loss of any color or shade to complexion. Can lead to frostbite which can be a major, debilitating and potentially permanently crippling or lethal problem.

Adventures in Valerick Effect: A creature suffering from the Chilled condition takes 1d10 cold damage at the beginning of their turn, though this increases by +1 damage every round that they are consecutively afflicted with the condition.


Treatment for this condition is rather basic, which is to warm the individual up as uniformly and wholly as possible. However though this sounds easy, it can at times prove very difficult.

Adventures in Valerick Effect: On their turn, after taking the cold damage, a creature afflicted with the Chilled condition via a non magickal source may attempt a Toughness Defensive Test, at the cost of all 3 of their actions to do whatever they possibly can to warm themselves up. The TN of this test is 8+2/round you have been afflicted by the condition. If it is caused by magick, a creature trait or attack or a supernatural ability, the base TN is established by the appropriate TN of the creature ability TN, Caster TN or the phenomenon in question initially, and every round this increases by +2. Getting fully out of the elements, to somewhere where you can be wrapped in blankets with a heat generating source (a fire or boiler or something of that sort) will remove the condition over a 1 minute time frame.


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