Confused {x}

The fog of the mind is a dangerous thing, capable of making you do all manner of strange things you would otherwise not normally consider doing.


The confused condition is one that is normally inflicted by some sort of mental assault, perhaps by Onyx Magicks of some variety, though there are a variety of creatures that also are incapable of inflicting this condition. Some poisons can also as well, particularly neurotoxins, as can too much consumption of alcohol.


This condition will make one behave erratically, nonsensically and perhaps even aggressively and violently. Their actions will seem without context, or responsive to percieved or even non existent stimuli.

Adventures in Valerick Effect: This condition is a scaling condition that caps at x=4. For each instance of the condition a creature is afflicted by, their brain fog decides broadly one of their actions on their turn by a roll upon the table below. This table does not state specifics merely prompting basic information to guide choices of behavior.

d20 roll Action Prompting]
1 Drop your weapon on the ground and grab it from the wrong end.
2 Repeatedly ask questions to someone nearby.
3 Pick up an interesting rock (or other natural object; like a flower or twig or something) and put it in your belt pouch or pocket.
4 Throw whatever you are holding aside 2d10 feet in a random direction
5 Take off your cloak, jacket, hat, gloves, some item of clothing easily removed
6 Find a small object on the ground, or attempt to, and stick it in your mouth. Could be a pebble, could be an earth worm, who knows.
7 Attempt to cast your most used spell or activate a magical item you have in your inventory.
8 Chew or suck on hair, beard or jewellery you are wearing
9 Approach a party member for help
10 Forget the next step in what you were trying to do
11 Jump and roll in direction of nearest foe.
12 Find an interesting bit of a plant or something on ground and put it behind your ear.
13 Go back the direction you came from because you don’t remember why you moved to that spot in the first place.
14 See how high you can throw something in you hands.
15 Stop and drink from a liquid you have on you
16 Pick at stitching on you clothing or pack and start unravelling seams.
17 Only remember a word in a language that is not common, its REALLY important to remember that word in common right now. Maybe those near by can help?
18 Kick a rock, bush, tree root, ground bird nest or other kick-able object near you.
19 See how high you can climb on the nearest climbable object
20 Find the closest animal and approach to pet it.

These are not meant to take control of a character or NPC from their player or the GM merely to guide the action, how you choose to interpret what that is to look like, how you execute the action itself, should be left in the hands of the person who's character it is to control.


Confusion is a condition that will, unless applied by magick or supernatural means, fade over time, and if not, eventually the person will fight through and manage to overcome even the supernatural brain fogs that can be inflicted upon someone, or such effects will run their course, for few such effects are permanent unless caused by some terrible disease. There are also a variety of ways to magickally and immediately clear someone's mind should time be of the essence.

Adventures in Valerick: Confusion when inflicted by poisons, natural effects, alcohol, or other such non-magickal means will have a set time frame they decay and eventually fade. On top of this, a creature suffering from the Confused condition that would be capable of making a Defensive Test against whatever afflicted them in the first place will get to attempt that roll at the end of their turn every round to lower their score in this condition by 1. Should lowering it be 1 make the 'x' equal 0, the condition is removed.


Whilst this can be dangeorus and detrimental to ones health, unless it is inflicted by some terrible and permanent illness, which is thankfully rare, the danger is oft limited and unlikely to result in serious injury or risk of death.


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