Coris Alrimac Baraz-Barak (Kor-ee-ss All-reh-mak Bah-rah-zz-Barr-ack)

"If'n it's a fight ye want, I'll oblige ye, ya damned greenskin scum. Blood and stone, Iron and bone!!!"

Coris's general response to the presence of greenskins.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Coris is a bear of a dwarf, thick, muscular, but build much like a brick wall, shapeless, not toned at all, but rippling with raw muscular power. His body is scarred and heavily tattooed, with a mix of his own designs, drunken choices, ancient tribal and clanhold designs, and of course military marks from his former life.

Facial Features

Coris has a scrunched typical dwarven face, built like a block of cracked stone, with thick red hair down to the middle of his back that he keeps in three long war braids. His beard is just as red, as if fire on his gravel like complexion, and he keeps his beard similarly, in two thick war braids that run down to the center of his chest. His nose is a crooked and misaligned mess, having clearly been broken at least once or twice. Amongst all that a jagged white scar dominates the left side of his face, running from the missing left ear down his cheek and along his jawline, courtesy of a hobgoblin saw-sword during his time in the army.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A former soldier, Coris left the military after five decades of service left him feeling incomplete, feeling as though his career and talents were going nowhere. He was a brilliant fighter, a good soldier, a great comrade-at-arms, yet he seemed unable to climb the ranks in any way. So he left that life, choosing to terminate his employment, taking his admittedly meagre severence, and leaving.

From there he bounced around, spending some time as a blacksmith's apprentice, going so far as to finish his apprenticeship and gaining recognition enough to be a guild licensed blacksmith in the northern territories that make up the nation of Suranth. However still he felt incomplete, and so he took up arms again, taking to the road, and to mercenary work.

It was in this life that Coris has found his home. The road, the tales, the battles, brawls and bars of adventure. The reckless wanderings of those untied and unbound to anywhere or anyplace. He is a rolling boulder across the landscape, making fast friends of a similiar mind, a notably diverse and interesting little group.

Personality Characteristics


Coris is a simple dwarf, motivated by coin, adventure, drink, and his baser desires, along with is friends. He lives a simple life.



Coris has a deep gravelly accent typical of dwarven folk, with the Suranthi Slurry as its called, the use of certain dropped letters like fallin' instead of falling or wit' instead of with, or even nae meaning both now and no depending which makes sense in context
Coris Alrimac Baraz-Barak Base Character Sheet
Deep cobalt
Ginger/redhead with beard to match.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale snowy, almost grey-white
4'1" or roughly 1.25 meters
231 lbs or roughly 105 kgs

Character Portrait image: Coris Alrimac Baraz-Barak by Keon Croucher Using Midjourney


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