Deafened {x}



Like most conditions, this can be caused by a variety of stimuli and experiences, both natural and magickal. It is rare for it to be a permanent effect, though that this possible.


You have trouble hearing based on how strong the deafeness is (the 'x' value)

Adventures in Valerick Effect: Like blindness, Deafened has 4 stages, hence that it is a scored condition. If x ever equals 4, then it becomes permanent, whether that means you've utterly destroyed your eardrums, or the magick effect upon you has progressed so drastically it has basically become a curse debilitation. This is exceedingly rare but does happen. Otherwise the score represents how brutally bad your hearing has become, representing how many steps worse you treat hearing in any given situation. So if you are suffering Blind (1) you are incapable of communicating in anything resembling a whisper, as you can't hear whispers. If its (2) then you need to speak loudly, almost as if public speaking, and that's the volume you require to be spoken too or that noises be at for you to hear them. If its (3), you need to shout, and people need to shout at you at the top of their lungs for you to hear them, and (4) means permanent and total deafness. Whilst under the effect of a Deafened condition, you get +2*x to any Defensive Test against supernatural or magick effects that would require you to hear them to affect you (such as auditory illusions, charmes, suggestive magicks, etc). This caps at +6, because if you are at Deafened (4) you are full on immune to such stimuli as you are fully deaf.


There are of course magicks that will see such issues removed swiftly, as well as treatments in many cases to compensate for any permanent hearing damage. However permanent and total deafness has far fewer methods to overcome it. When it is inflicted by environmental conditions or other such temporary means, it will fade over time, often quite rapidly once one is away from the stimulis that causes it.


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