
You try and move but can't, though you feel your muscles flex, your body try and respond. You aren't paralyzed, you certainly aren't petrified. However the feeling of something sticky and tacky, and the sight of a thick strand of semi-transulcent fibre out of the corner of your eye only redoubles your efforts, as you realize what has happened. Giant spider or ettercap or worse, you have not one ounce of desire to stay and find out.


The Ensnared Condition can be caused by many things. Spider webs, spells, simple but effective booby traps, the list goes on. It is not the same as being grabbed or grappled, of course, but shares many elements. Whilst under the Ensnared condition you cannot take any move type action (no movement or any actions that have the move trait) unless you first have spent an action to get loose. Any cause of Ensnared will have a specific set of parameters and a specific TN for escape. Some have unique other effects on the ensnared victims, some with less or more specific movement/action type restrictions.

Adventures in Valerick: This condition represents being trapped by something you cannot directly oppose, something not alive or sentient or thinking in any way, such as spider webs, whips, robes, entanglement magicks, and other such effects. When suffering this condition you cannot move that is your move speed is zero. You can take other actions, though dependent on the source of the Ensnared condition some other restrictions, risks or other elements can be at play to this. All causes of Ensnared also have escape rules that your GM/DM should make clear (not the difficulty obviously, but how many actions it takes and what you need to roll to try.) at the start of your turn.


Treatment is simple, escape the cause of the ensnarement.


Wide and varied. It all depends what exactly has caused you to be in this predicament, what you are trapped by/in.


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