Fenna Brondainionle Novikoal (Fee-na Br-ond-een-i-on-l Nn-ovv-ick-al)

"Blood and Stone, Iron and Bone!!!!"

Sir Kartheart's Warcry, common words out of Fenna's mouth.

Physical Description

Body Features

Fenna looks the part of her upbringing, a strong and stout dwarven warrioress. Her back is adorned in a full canvas tattoo of a winged spear, known as a boar spear, with darkened clouds above the spear. An effigy of the weapon of the Storm-Lord, referencing his title and his portrayed favored implement of battle. The image is surrounded by various scriptures, bits of many holy texts that she finds meaningful and worth remembering. Front and center on her abdomen however, the Laknoth, the holy code of greatest importance, the tenets the faith of the Shields of Suranth are built upon.

Facial Features

Her face is stout, full and with an almost zealous glow to it, that comes first from her bright amber eyes. Like many dwarves, she has a skin tone and complexion almost like white-grey marble, with a facial structure that, though softer and a little more feminine, could be properly be compared to having been carved from stone of some kind. She has a serious face, and a sort of permanent sort of stoic and calm look, but any whom know her are aware that is discipline more than anything else. One only needs to look into her eyes to see the passion, zeal and energy within her person.

Special abilities

Fenna is a true Templar, not merely a holy knight or a devout warrior. She has the gift of Fervor, and can call upon her fervor and zeal and manifest it as damage, as the force of divinity upon her foes when in combat with them. She can also call upon some limited amount of Divine Power, not unlike a priest/priestess, though she has less schooling in the methods of those more complex scriptures and practices.

Apparel & Accessories

She will most often be found wearing her coat of plates, a heavy riveted mail tunic with protective steel plates riveted on it into position to cover most of her torso front and back, providing extra protection for that vital region. Steel plated greaves and boots with gauntlets to match, dwarven half helm. Over top of the mail, she wears a simple grey stone tabbard with a simple tower and crossed lightning bolts overlaying it, the church's symbol, for their watch and seeing themselves as the sort of spiritual fortifaction amongst the Ascended, their faith is the bulwark.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Fenna from a young age was involved with the clergy in Bruachthoir, volunteering her time at the church hospice, helping organize youth activities within the Kartheartian faith, especially things like Endweek Caid tournaments, and wrestling tournaments, this sort of thing. As she got older, she realized that though her family's profession, her mother the accountant and her father a comfortably successful stone-mason by trade, and a guild member in excellent standing. Her father and mother expected her to follow in one of their footsteps, likely her father's as she did take to masonry work quite well and quite young. However by her 7th decade she knew this was not her path, not professionally. She was a zealous child, with attitude, fervor, and a fascination with the way of the warrior, with martial combat, along with the Iron-tusk Boars the church kept. She volunteered often, making a decent stable-hand, and was well liked by all the local Storm-Lancers mounts.

By her 8th decade, as she reached adulthood, she expressed her intention to her parents, whom though a little surprised, were more supportive than she expected. She signed up to become a student of the Storm Lancers, moving to Geata-Iarainn to become a squire of the order at the Armory of Valor. She still remembers her school years very fondly, learning a variety of skills, practicing a variety of martial arts, and learning the doctrines of her faith. Now all these years later she is a fully recognized Storm-Lancer, a Templar of Sir Kartheart, and finds herself on an interesting path of sorts, something that started as a simple pilgrimage like task, but has grown beyond that now, travelling with what is an interesting assortment of companions. For she is now a fully recognized templar and is currently on her Wandering, building a worthy warrior and hero's reputation.

Personality Characteristics


She is seeking to accomplish a rather broad goal, of basically becoming reknowned and well respected as a warrior and champion of the land and people, a true bulwark of the people. Called the Wandering, this is the path some Templars take, particularly those whom feel drawn to the warrior's aspect of the Templar, to fight back against dark forces. Sometimes they will have a vision or a specific quest or task given unto them by their order, but in Fenna's case, at this time, this is a spiritual journey for herself, nothing more.

Very early on she found herself in a unique situation, and surrounded by some unique companions, whom, unbeknownst to her, would become unique and rather eclectice companions.



She has a heavy and thick Suranthi accent, one where she blends words a bit, with constants dropping off quite commonly in a variety of words, most often 'h' and 'g' in worths like 'with' or 'leading'. Also a gruff, harsh, gravelly like accent, though with a bit of tempo and pitch that many dwarves do not have.
145 years old
Bright Amber
Sandstone, lustrous, shoulder length, kept in a simple tie back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Weathered pale skin, very much showing the northern tundra life
4'2" or 1.27 meters
215lbs or 97.5 kgs

Character Portrait image: Fenna Novikoal, Storm-Lancer by Keon Croucher Using Midjourney


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