Flared Tripline

Another rather simple setup, but a great one, utilizing some fishing twine or other hard to see cord to set up a delicate tripline that also holds aloft a few glass or clay vials or bottles of diluted impact oil.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Deployment Time and Tools: 20 feet of fishing twine or some other similarly thin and hard to see cord. Six glass or clay small size bottles, all filled with a diluted impact oil. Takes 1d4 minutes to set up.

Effected Area: You can rig this up to basically be tripped and effect a ten foot radius area.

Trigger Mechanism/Conditions: A creature must break the tripline to trigger the trap.

Immediate Effects: Once the trap is triggered, all those little containers fall to the ground, and this causes them to detonate with a sudden loud crack and a brilliant flare of light. Any creature in the affected area of effect must make an Agility Defense Test. Should they fail, they suffer the Blinded (2) condition for the next 1 minute. Regardless of making or failing the Defense Test, all creatures in the affected area do suffer the Deafened (1) condition for 1 round. The loud crack also alerts any creature within 1 mile, the sound very distinct.

Lasting Effects: Besides the above blinding, there are no lasting or recurring effects of this trap.
Item type


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