Fredwick Rumster

What do we prefer, a jig or a shanty, a serenade or a clipper, a dirge or a wylde. I can play one, I can play all, name a type, name a tune, I'll play it flawlessly this evening moon.

His general evening introduction when performing at an inn or tavern.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fredwick is a bit of a fop, dressing in bright and garish colors, with his short cropped and parted flaxxen hair, cheubric face, warm and kindly eyes, and wide smile. short, small, with a bit of a notable belly, for he has a penchant for fine food and drink. A seemingly happy go lucky young man of Halfman blood, he is well traveled. His personality seems to almost exude from him physically, oozing forth in an almost quasi magick sort of way.

Apparel & Accessories

Fredwick is dressed in garish colors of reds, greens, blues and oranges, loving many colored getups, and enjoying finery. Silks and fine fabrics make up the majority of his wardrobe. He has a set of beautifully crafted pan-pipes, carved and drilled from birch and willow wood, many symbols and images carved via burn craft into the pipes themselves, which are connected via beautiful gold and green filigree like wire of some kind, seemingly metallic.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Fredwick Rumster is a well traveled individual whom has explored all over, and has found his way into some eclectic company in south eastern Rohara. He is a musician, a traveling entertainer, but the Halfman has a bit of a checkered past, having left behind some hefty and notable gambling debts in his home of Firang in northern Susma. As such, his growing relative fame is something of a concern as he moves forward in life with his interesting companions, but he hopes that the friendships he's forming will be strong tied enough to garner their help and protection should his past ever catch up with him in some fashion.

Personality Characteristics


Fredwick has three primary motivators. Fine food and drink, coin, and avoiding consequences from his past.



Fredwick speaks with a strong Susmian accent, a vocal tone and tempo that brings to mind hot sun, blistering sand, and passionate feelings.
Fredwick Rumster Base Character Sheet
Short, cropped and parted flaxxen hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Soft almost sandy tone
3'4" or 1 meter
66 lbs or 30 kgs

Character Portrait image: Fredwick Rumster by Keon Croucher Using Midjourney


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Sep 23, 2023 10:13 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

very interesting character! I'd love to meet him.

Sep 24, 2023 20:25 by Keon Croucher

Thank you :)

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization