Friya Ostamore


Handling the Topaz currents is much like the process of crafting a fine piece of jewellery, or carving a masterful statue. It is a process, a skilled craftsmenship, a task of workmanship. It is a skilled process, a trained skill set.

Friya attempting to explain, as best she can to Tuli what being a Topaz Magister entails, how handling their magick feels.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Friya is a tall woman, even amongst the Koltani. Tall, lithe, strong of build, with notably strong feminine features form. Her hair often worn in a raven tail, a simple style, her hair kept in a loose ponytail at the back, her bangs pinned over her left ear with a raven tail feather. She looks the part of marble almost, that seeming to be part of the traits she has inherited from her Geomantic bond, as well as the deep brown-black of her hair and the deep loamy color of her eyes.

Facial Features

She has a intellectual look in her eyes, a well learned demeanor she wears willingly and openly on her face. She has soft, kind facial features, though they can almost seem a little cold as well, almost statue-esque. She is undeniably beautiful and powerful, which is worn all across her face, seeming to contain the raw beauty and power of the mountains. She wears patience on her face as well, a patience of a true craft person and the mark of a true Topaz Magister.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Friya is a relatively recent graduate of the Magisterium, only recently recieving her full license of as a Magister. Her powers came to her at a very young age, about four or five, and her parents more or less abandoned her, wanting nothing to do with her, turning her over to the first authority they could find. Interestingly enough it was her now fast friend, Fenna, whom she was turned over to, well her amongst others.

Fenna played a large part in what would come over the next two decades of her life, arranging for her transferance to the Geata-Iarainn Magisterium Collegiate, to recieve the finest education any potential Topaz magister could hope for. She accepted a brief deployment within the Armory of Valor, spending two decades within the city as an outside friend, understanding that this young girl had been abandoned by her family, and rightfully assumed she would need more than education, she would need friendship.

Over the years of her education to become a Topaz Magister, Friya would learn to not only wield the energies of Domhan, of earth, but would learn a skilled trade, that of a jeweller, and skill at arms and with armor, as is the want and custom of the Topaz Order. They are unique amongst magisters in this facet, for they are quite comfortable in even the heaviest of arms and armor, and learn discipline, patience and martial prowess along with dabbling in many skilled trades of an artisan's nature, and committing to at least one. This is all to strengthen their bond with the primordial force of Stone and Earth, with Domhan. Over the years Friya took to this regimen like a fish to water, and grew into a powerful and skillful young woman, a true example of the ideal student of Geomancy.

To this day Friya is grateful for Fenna, and to this day, even after graduating and having traveled fairly broadly, has not yet taken it upon herself to seek out her family in Dolfar, where she was born, along Raechin's southeastern coasts. However at some point she intends to, and hopes that Fenna and her other eclectic friends she has come to see as family will accompany her.

Personality Characteristics


Friya is simply trying to establish what should come next for her and her talents. So much of her life was spent in pursuit of simply the goal of proper licensing, of acquiring the necessary documentation to simply be allowed to exist, that she had never truly considered what would come next in her life. That has led her on this strange and winding road that now finds her with her eclectic circle of friends, this strange beginning of a sort of an adventuring companionship she finds herself part of. Who knows, perhaps this is her path, there is but one way for her to find out.



Friya has a thick almost sultry and earthy accent, her voice feminine, but of a surprising baritone, with a similar accent to the Suranthi, her words somewhat slurred and joined, dropping 'g' and 'h' in certain words, such as 'ere (here) or feelin' (feeling), as well as odd pronounciations such as 'Nae' (both now and no).
Friya Ostamore Base Character Sheet
Deep soil like brown
Dark brown, almost black, thick, shoulder length.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Soft pale white tone
6'3" or 1.9 meters
217 lbs or 98 kgs

Character Portrait image: Magister Friya Ostamore by Keon Croucher Using Midjourney


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