Grabbed {Grappled/Grappling}

Gripping each other, you are dragged into close quarters, with limited mobility, the creature resisting your every move, clearly trying to control and subdue you. You halberd is useless, you can't get loose enough to move your arm to allow you to use the weapon. You let it drop, straining and struggling to get to the dagger on your hip.


This condition is gained by two creatures basically entering into wrestling or CQP combat, trying to grab, manipulate and control each other's movements. Naturally humanoids may utilize this and often enough choose this method of approach to try and restrain and control each other, but many animals and other beasts on Valerick choose this sort of tactic as well. Snakes, crustceans, various apex predators, a great number attempt to utilize physical superiority in this way.


Adventures in Valerick: Grabbed has two sub-condition stats. These are {Grappled} or {Grappling}. Regardless of this, a creature that is grabbed cannot move freely, taking move actions have complications based on the sub-condition. They cannot make any sort of attacks with two handed weapons, nor operate any object or machinery that would require engagement with both hands effectively. Furthermore they must spend 1 action each turn either managing or ending or escaping the grapple situation. A creature that is {Grappled} must attempt to escape or take control of the grapple before doing anything else, and if they fail, they cannot move, nor take any action besides attempting an unarmed attack or other single handed action, as they are unable to escape. A creature that is {Grappling} can take any number of other actions based on what it is, some creatures can swallow targets whole, as an example, some can deal passive crushing damage, yet others can recover, feeding on a victim they have complete control of. They must commit one action to managing or ending the grapple to do anything not grapple related however. They can also attempt to move, however their movement speed is halved, and they must overcome the creature they are grappling's Power attribute score on a Melee (Brawling) skill roll or they simply cannot move the creature, and the movement fails, but the action is consumed.


Grappling is not a preferred form of combat for many sapient humanoids on Valerick, and so the best advice is to escape that situation with due haste by whatever means are necessary.


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