Injured {X}

You feel weakened, clearly hurt, from your brush with death. You can tell you aren't going to recover quickly, that much is obvious.


Instances of the Injured Condition can only be acquired by suffering the Dying condition, not actually reaching death, and being brought back from the brink. If this happens to you, you gain Injured {X} where the X is the amount your Dying condition was before you were brought back to consciousness, pulled back from the brink, to a minimum of 1, and a maximum of 3.


Adventures in Valerick: The Injured Condition has a few notable effects. First of all, a creature suffering from it is incapable of recovering all its wounds. If a creature is Injured {1} it can only recover and bet back to 3/4 its maximum wound total. If it is Injured {2} it can only recover up to 1/2 its maximum wound total. If it has Injured {3}, it can only recover up to 1/4 of its maximum wound total. Additionally, should a creature with the Injured condition be brought to 0 wounds and into the Dying state again, its initial Dying condition is calculated as 1+its current number of Injured Conditions. This means a creature with Injured {3} brought to 0 wounds does just immediately die.


The Injured Condition can be treated using a variety of healing techniques, sciences or magicks in the world of Valerick. As well, they naturally recover, though they require a week of time without dropping to 0 wounds/rank of Injured you wish to remove. So a week of downtime can see an adventuring group able to remove/reduce their Injured conditions among its members by 1 each. Should this bring an individual's Injured Condition to {0} they are completely recovered, and can once again have their maximum wound count.


Being Injured badly enough will eventually result in death.


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