Manna Fatigue/Divine Burnout {X}

Though our disciplines are different and we have different names for the effect, we all know what the terms mean. Be it Divine Grace or Primal Manna, handling these sorts of powers, forces beyond most mortal comprehension, comes with risks and costs. Hence why we train, hence why we study, hence those of faith are so stringent about their codes of conduct. The reality is these sorts of things are necessary to insure stability in our arts and even then that isn't guaranteed. One mistake can see you start down a route of many mistakes quite rapidly, and should you find yourself in a situation where you cannot take the time to recover from and rest after suffering the effects of such fumblings.....Well the more you continue to push yourself, the greater the risk of cascading failures and consequences and eventually, inevitably, this will kill you.

Archmagister Tanriel Avan'ili


When a magick practioner fumbles or triggers a Miscast/Ire of the Gods type event, they also suffer the effects of this condition. This condition comes with (X) because it is a stacking condition.


Someone suffering this will suffer -5 to their Spell-Stitching, Spell-Weaving, or Prayer rolls per instance of the condition. So someone with Manna Fatigue (2) suffers a -10 to their Spell-Weaving or Spell-Stitching rolls, whereas someone with Divine Burnout (2) would suffer a -10 on Prayer rolls. Should this condition hit (6) or -30, it becomes a Silence Curse, permanently removing the ability to use the associated skills until such a time as the victim can somehow get the curse lifted.


So long as it hasn't become a curse, this is easy enough to treat. Every Rest (Long Rest for DnD people, kind of daily preparations for Pathfinder 2e people) You reduce this condition by up to (2).

Affected Groups

Magisters, Shamans, Priests, Templars and others of those ilks, whom can draw upon full on magicks or divine powers.


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