
Scrambling quickly, you realize how vulnerable you are right now, as you roll and crawl to get some distance, trying to get to your feet before the worg can get to you again.


Anything that could cause you to fall or be knocked over or trip you.


Adventures in Valerick: This is a combat only condition in actuality, not so much narrative for any purpose, and as such what is important is how it mechanically functions in the game. So a character that is prone is considered flat-footed, that is they do not get their Agility Boost to their Armor Score whilst prone. They are also at a -2 to any attempts to use any attack based d20 roll (so weapon skills). Furthermore they cannot move normally, only able to crawl which has a maximum travel distance of 10 feet, stand up (wasting 1 action), or if appropriate given their surroundings, take cover.


Stand up.


Being knocked prone in a fight is generally detrimental and not a position most people would desire to be in. This is not to say that there aren't some brawlers or warriors out their, or folk of similar ilk and persuasion whom do wish to get to such a position. Grappling and wrestling are some of the oldest methods of melee combat, overpower and controlling your opposition.


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