Razor-Wire Lash

A dangerous tension based trap set to a tripwire normally, one not meant to necessarily trap in the conventional sense anything that trips it but instead just to inflict pain and slow down a victim, using razor-wire to slash out the lower leg and vulnerable tendons of any creature that trips it.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Deployment Time and Tools: 1 minute and 20 feet of thin high tension steel wire.

Effected Area: Fifteen foot line

Trigger Mechanism/Conditions: A simple tripwire trap, set up to spring loose a wire under massive tension.

Immediate Effects: Once tripped, immediately the creature tripping it and any other in the pre-determined fifteen foot line take 2d8 slashing damage, but get to make an Agility Defense Test. If successful they only take half damage and do not suffer any of the lasting effects below.

Lasting Effects: Creatures that fail the Agility Defense Test also have Bleeding (1) and Slow (1) inflicted upon them. These conditions last until they get medical treatment to address them, or take a Rest.


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