Sanguine Petal Poison

A subtle toxin, one favored for how it works, seeming to have no direct effects, nor necessarily even any true involvement. It is a simple contact poison, one that devastates but leaves no real trace.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

CN: 16, Tier II; 21, Tier III; 26

Application: This is a contact poison, meant to be spread about a surface and left there to be touched. Once applied to a surface it retains its potency for 24 hours or until touched five times.

Duration: Once someone is effected by the substance they suffer those effects for 24 hours.

Basic Effects: A unique toxin in the chemical arsenal, Saguine Petal Poison does not have any noticeable direct effect upon those afflicted. However should they end up in a fight of any kind, well it soon enough becomes apparent. Any time the target takes damage from any source, they risk picking up Bleeding (1) Condition, and they take an additional 1d4 damage of the applicable type.

Rank II Effects: Now risk picking up Bleeding (2) Condition, and they take an additional 2d4 damage of applicable type.

Rank III Effects: Now risk picking up Bleeding (3) Condition, and they take an additional 3d4 damage of applicable type.
Item type
Trade/Manufactured good
Raw materials & Components


  • 1 ounce of crushed Sanguinea Petals (Rare)

  • 1 ounce of sea water


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