Scorpion Net

A more complex trap, though one that can be deployed in a variety of ways. From the tried and true pressurized and counterbalance method, to simply weighted at the corners and utilized in a gladiator like fashion in combat, and any other method one could consider, there are plenty of ways to deploy this particular trick in a hunter's arsenal.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Deployment Time and Tools: If setting up to be deployed in a trap like fashion, without a need for someone physically trying to wield and fling it at a target, it takes 1 minute to set up. It can simply be thrown or used in a whip like fashion to attempt to entrap a creature's legs as well. Using it in such a method, it has a ten foot range. Large net, a dozen or so small metal barbs, and some poisonous substance to spread upon those barbs.

Effected Area: Ten foot cubic area.

Trigger Mechanism/Conditions: If it is set up, it generally will be set up to trigger when stepped upon, though it can also be set up to actually fall down upon a target in via a tripwire type fashion.

Immediate Effects: Once triggered anyone within the effected area is immediately entangled, as if grabbed, and all within it need to make a Toughness Defense Test. Those that fail immediately take 1d6 poison damage and 1d6 piercing damage. Successful tests take half damage

Lasting Effects: Those that fail the Toughness Defense Test above immediately gain Toxic (1) condition. To escape requires a Power or Agility Defense Test to succeed. Failing an attempt to escape results in another 1d6 piercing damage.
Item type


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