Shade-walker Mutagen

One with darkness, silent and unseen, bringing shadow with them where they stride. A powerful mutagen that makes one little more than part of the background, of the shadows.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

CN: 16, Tier II; 21, Tier III; 26

Toxicity: Ingesting this concoction will deal 1d10 poison damage, or half that if the drinker can manage to succeed a Toughness Defense Test. If you are foolish enough to be trying to use more than one Mutagenic Compound at once, this damage increases by 3d10 for each mutagenic compound you've injested previously that is still acting upon you, and you would be afflicted with Toxic (3) Condition.

Duration: 4 hours

Basic Effects: You gain +1 rank of training in Subterfuge, Survival and Awareness. You gain Darkvision 30 feet. You gain a special reaction option, Shadow Step. You can, as an action, simply take one step forward, disappearing and reappearing within 30 feet of where you were, emerging from a shadow you could see.

Rank II Effects: You gain +2 ranks of Training in Subterfuge, Survival, and Awareness. Your Darkvision is now 60 feet. Shadow Step now has a range of 60 feet.

Rank III Effects: You gain +3 ranks of Training in Subterfuge, Survival and Awareness. Your Darkvision is now 90 feet. Shadow Step now has a range of 90 feet.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
Raw materials & Components


  • 2 ounces of Blackberry Wine

  • 2 ounces of Shade Ash (Rare)

  • 2 ounces of Powdered Onyx (Rare)


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