Slicker Sap

This particular little number can be rigged up as a trap in many ways, be it a pressure plate, a tripwire, a counterbalance drum...there are many options. One of its most common uses however, doesn't involve being used as a trap so much as a battlefield trick in a pinch. A great way to limit mobility.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Deployment Time and Tools: Rigging it up as a trap takes 1 minute. Tossing out a breakable bottle of the stuff takes an action, and will spread to cover a ten foot area. Requires 1 ounce of Slicker Sap from the Slickleaf Tree.

Effected Area: Covers a ten foot area.

Trigger Mechanism/Conditions: As a trap, the most common trigger mechanisms are triplines and pressure plates.

Immediate Effects: All creatures in the affected area must immediately attempt Agility Defense Tests. If they fail, they fall prone. if the Succeed they do not fall prone.

Lasting Effects: For the next 10 minutes after it is deployed, that area is a slippery and hazardous area to cross. Any attempt to move through, out of, or into the effected area requires an Agility Defense Test to avoid falling prone.
Item type


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