Slow {X}

You feel sluggish, your body seeming to drag, your mind seeming foggy and slow. Everything around you seeming ultimately as if its whizzing by you, as if you just cannot keep up.


There are magicks and plentiful natural sources that can inflict an individual with this condition on the world of Valerick. Toxins, magicks, a variety of chemical agents. Even some injuries and certain combat techniques can leave one suffering the effects of such a condition and circumstance.


Ultimately what the condition does is it slows you down, physically and mentally. It is a double edged assault, both causing temporary processing loss for a creature's mind, lessening their ability to react swiftly and make quick decisions and also hindering their ability to physically move and maneuver at speed with pace and tempo.

Adventures in Valerick: Slow is another condition that has a variable range, and similarly to its counterpart. However it can get to {6}. If your Slow condition equals or exceeds your number of actions you can take in a turn, you simply lose that turn. Slow is unique compared to Hasten however, in that unless it states otherwise, like with some spells, in most cases the condition will slowly fade over time, lessening by {1} per round of combat until a creature is no longer effected. Also as noted in Hasten, Slow and Hasten counteract and nullify each other, and as such you simply remove the stacks of the conditions equally until one or the other is all gone. So if a creature has Hasten {2} but is afflicted with Slow {3} they would lose the Hasten immediately, but not suffer the normal effects of Hasten for when it runs out, as well as reduce the Slow to Slow {1}. Whilst you are afflicted with the Slow condition, the number in brackets represents the number of actions you lose on your turn.


Time is the most effective treatment. Any such effects are never that long lasting, ranging from seconds to perhaps minutes in extreme cases. Any sort of magicks or substances that can bestow Hasten can help as well, immediately nullifying and counteracting this condition.


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