
A simple little trick and trap, to obscure vision and details

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Deployment Time and Tools: Deployed as part of a trap, takes 1 minute. Can also just be cracked and used as an action.

Effected Area: Fills a ten foot radius area of effect with thick smoke.

Trigger Mechanism/Conditions: Triplines or Pressure plates are most common, though it could be rigged to some sort of magick trigger.

Immediate Effects: Upon being triggered, the area is immediately covered in a thick smoke cloud, obscuring vision greatly. All actions requiring visual targetting (attacks, casting single target spells, etc) whilst within the smokecloud, targeting creatures within the cloud, or through it on the opposite side of it, are all at -4 and are rolled against the Momentum. Furthermore the terrain within the smoke cloud counts as difficult terrain, due to lack of visual ability to confirm safe routes.

Lasting Effects: This lasts for 10 minutes.
Item type


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