Stryia Venom

A strange toxic substance, similar to others like Icicle Venom, utilizing the beak of the Stryia, an avian species more commonly known as Stormbills.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

CN: 17, Tier II; 22, Tier III; 27

Application: This is meant to be applied to a weapon or ammunition.

Duration: 1 dose is enough for five strikes or pieces of ammunition. Once afflicted with this, a target suffers the effects for six rounds.

Basic Effects: Feeling little shocks tearing through the body, making one's heart beat erratically, this toxin puts the target against the Momentum for all Attribute based Defense Tests for the duration of the effect. They take 1d4 lightning damage/round

Rank II Effects: 2d4 Lightning Damage/round

Rank III Effects: 3d4 Lightning Damage/round.
Item type
Trade/Manufactured good
Raw materials & Components


  • 1 ounce powdered Stryia Beak (Rare)

  • 1 ounce of Powdered Opal (Rare)


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